Whos the wingman?

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"I can't lose him guys" im panting for breathes, completely out of hope, im all out of flares and bullets

"Me too kid" he says continuing ahead, he knew what had to be done, he knew they had to eject.

"You two need to eject" he says causing me to cry

"Dad no-" I tried to stop him

"Don't Sarah, you both eject when I say so, the loops above your heads, pull down on them, do you understand" I say nothing

"I understand" rooster replies but I still stay silent

"Do you understand Sarah" mavericks shouts as im shaking my head in a puddle of tears "no I don't I can't lose you again, I only just got you back"

"I know but I need you to do this, for me, for ice, for your mum"

"Do it for hangman Sarah' rooster says and I make a cry noise trying to stop myself from breaking down.

i take a deep breath and look up into the sky "I understand"

Maverick and I started flying faster "EJECT" he shouts and I pull down on my ejection handles, nothing happens as I keep pulling down on them

"Rooster, holocaust did you not hear me you need to eject" I've never heard him scream so loud

"Im trying" I say out of breath

"Its not working" rooster cries

This couldnt be happening, theres no way the three of us were going to die. I closed my eyes again and this time didnt think of anything other than the ocean and the calmness it brings me, I pictured the waves clashing down on my body and taking me to heaven with ice and my mum.

Maverick drops his head down and cries "im sorry" "im sorry goose" he whispers as he accepts his fate

The two people he loves most in the world were now going to be dead, he had failed goose, his best friend.

"Dad thank you for always coming back to me, no matter how hard I pushed you away, thank you for believing in me" I say sadly

"I love you Sarah"

"I love you too dad, and rooster, I love you both"

As im waiting for my doom to hit me, for the impact to blow me into a thousand pieces. That moment that never comes

One plane two missiles heading perfectly our way

"Annihilation over and out" I whispered waiting for the impact

I opened one eye as nothing happened, thinking I may have infact already been in heaven.

looking behind me to see en explosion from the plane.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your saviour speaking" my heart immediately stops beating for a moment and I see hangman emerge from the smoke and I the biggest smile escapes from my mouth and im crying with laughter and happiness. Rooster is heard cheering from the comms but im focusing all my attention on the man who just saved our lives

"You look good hangman" roosters says smiling

"Im very good rooster" he smirks back looking over at me

"You saved my ass" I say laughing

"You can tell me all about it when we hit ground" he looks over at me and smirks

"Yes captain" I smile back at him


As I get out of my plane and take my helmet off people are already running my way and I find myself being carries off my ladders, giggling and people cheering my name.

Phoenix pulls me down and immediately brings me into a hug crying. "You really don't wanna die do you" she laughs and I wipe her tears "never' I smile at her

I give payback and fan boy a high five and thank them for there part, bob goes to give me a handshake but I pull him into a hug "god bless you bob" I smirk and kiss his cheek-he goes bright red.

im pushing through the crowd until I find rooster and my dad hugging and he sees me. I run up and leap into her arms hugging him-he pushes me back "thank you for saving my life, I don't know how to re pay you" I smile at my dad laying his life down on the line for me.

"Well we got the rest of our lives to try" and I hug him again. I move over the rooster who was watching us with a smile on his face "so" I start before he also pulls me into a huge hug and now my dad is joining in and im squashed between them both. "Okay guys can't breathe, I know I nearly died up there but lets not kill me down here" they pull off and I laugh. Walking off with my dad "you know im planning on sticking around for a while, me and rooster are going to fix up the plane, you're welcome to join us" I smile at him, proud of the growth he's experienced "id love to, im actually thinking about sticking around for a while myself" I say as my eyes land on hangman, warmth rushing to me cheeks. He's hugging rooster and phoenix and I can't help but look at him with admiration, he's incredible

I begin walking over to them as rooster notices im coming and pulls phoenix away, hangman stops when he sees me coming over

we just stop and look at each other for a few moments "thank you for saving my life" I smile at him and he laughs "thank you for coming back home" he says and I feel a tear slip out "I thought id lost you" he cried and I place my hand on is cheek "never, you're stuck with me now hangman" I say causing him to smile looking into my eyes before he kisses me, earning a few loud cheers from everyone around us.

"Damn its about time guys" coyote shouts over and we just laugh whilst he holds my waste puling me close

"So" I say turning to face him again "who's going to be the wingman" I ask and he laughs shaking his head "this is a nice moment lets not ruin it for you" he replies and I giggle as he kisses my forehead resting his against mine "I love you"

"I love you too" our hands are entwined not ever wanting to let go of this moment

All of us together, safe, we won.


This was a really short book guys but it's based off a film so i didn't wanna drag the reading time to be longer than the actual film

Please leave your comments on how you liked it and I'm thinking of writing a reader x rooster book now would that be interesting ?

Let me know :))))

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