7.Piece of cake

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"Payback and fanboy can you hear me clearly?" I was attempting the course with them now

"Loud and clear annihilation" he smiled from his F/A -18. I was determined to fly this course within 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I was feeling good.

"Okay then boys lets kill this" I smirked as I began climbing knots.

I could immediately feel the pressure building up around me, crushing down on my chest feeling like I can't breathe. Most people would say that the feeling is displeasing however I love it.

I knew everyone was listening on the radio so I was sure to be my cocky, arrogant self this time.

"Setting timer for 2 minutes 30 seconds" I say smirking

"Yo holocaust we still have 3 minutes to do it this time" fanboy says confused

I begin to smirk "yeah well im doing it anyway"

payback and fanboy begin cheering me on as I make my way through to course, feeling euphoric.

"Mavs here" payback shouts causing me to look at the screen "shit whats he doing here" fanboy asks

"Trying to throw us off" this only made me more determined, let him see infront of his eyes that I can do this. "Im sitting at 600 knots, raising to 650 you boys ready to keep up?" I practically laugh the words out

"Rodger that" payback whistles . I could feel my heart pounding and my head spinning as I climbed the speed, it felt amazing.

We were flying it perfectly to the point nothing was going wrong. I had 30 seconds left on the clock and I was ahead of schedule.

The air began to get tougher and I felt more crushed than ever as I hit the point of target perfectly and began descending up coffins corner "just a little bit further" I struggled to speak as I was about to drop the bomb.

20 seconds

My body was reaching G-LOC point as I was fighting to stay awake

15 seconds

"Timer stopped at 2 minutes 15 seconds, course completed, HOLY SHIT" I scream "YES" I feel like im on top of the world

"Well done annihilation first successful aviator to finish the course, head on down" i smile "im proud of you kid" my dad says knowing everyone can hear making my heart melt. i actually proved him wrong.

"Copy that, flying in boys" I shout to fanboy and payback to head down swell.

After I got out of my aircraft I headed to the waiting room where everyone else was waiting.

"Holy shit annihilation that was insane" pheonix says causing me to laugh "well they don't call me the best damn pilot in the room for nothing" rooster comes over and begin praising me in the air causing me and phoenix to now be laughing "thank you, thank you, please no autographs" I joke sarcastically

"No but for real, that was awesome, you should have seen hangmans face" my smile drops, remembering all of yesterday, I convinced myself it was better this way, now we can go back to being at each others throats and no one will get hurt. "Yeah I'm sure it was something to laugh at" i shrug - Rooster gave me a quick hug before heading off. I turn to look around the room coyote gave me a pat on the back and bob shook my hand. i could feel hangman staring at me the whole time but I couldnt bring myself to look at him. It hurts so damn much.

"You know what this means" Natasha sits next to me I give her a questioning look "you're going to be picked for the mission" she gives me a half happy smile and half sad. Sad she may lose her best friend but happy she gets to fly this once in a lifetime mission.

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