Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Nah, I'm just messing with you." Asher sets me on my feet.

"You're such a jerk." I shove him. "And you made me lose my hat."

Asher chuckles. "Maybe if you answer any of my calls or text, I wouldn't have to go through all this just to talk to you."

"Sorry, Jordan basically took up all my phone time. But what did you want to talk about?"

"You know what I want to talk about." Asher says. "Firstly, I want to apologize for kissing you the night of the championship game. And I didn't want you to be blind sided in case he wanted to talk about what happened with you, but I told Jordan about the kiss."


"It was the right thing to do. I shouldn't have kissed you and I don't want that kiss to ruin our friendship."

"It won't." I pull him into a hug. "It's not that easy to get rid of me. Nice try though."

I start to ask him when did he tell Jordan about the kiss when I break our hug, but something is put over my head. I realize it's my hat, I turn to thank the person for returning my hat I stop when I see it's Jordan. "What are we talking about over here? It looks serious."

"About how I've missed you all winter break." I tell him as I wrap my arms around my neck.

"I've missed you all winter break too." Jordan tells me which cause me to smile. "It's crazy how much I've missed you."

He grabs the nape of my neck, drawing my face closer to his to brush his mouth against mine. The move is sweet, a simple whisper of his lips against mine and being that we haven't had any physical contact with each other since the state championship, this slight loss sends my nerves ending alight.

"We was suppose to come back later tonight but I had convinced my mom to hop on an earlier flight. I couldn't stand not being able to touch you for another second. I've never hated Lake Tahoe so much in my life."

"What? Not enough beautiful, bikini-clad girls for you?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ooh, jealousy. I like it on you." He lets go of my neck and instead strokes the back of my neck, my skin coming alive beneath his touch. "And I don't need to check out other girls, I already have the one I want."

That was sweet.

"Guess I shouldn't have spent my winter break working my way through the groupies that come with being a state championship winner." I joke. "I didn't realize you were going to have such a strict moral code on your trip."

"Awe, how sweet." Jordan says. "Just what every guy wants to hear when reuniting with their girlfriend."

The word 'girlfriend' reverberated through me, sending a crazy rush of adrenaline through my system, it's still sinking in that we have that level of commitment. "I was joking. I have the one I want too and I'm so happy that you're back home."

He smiles. "I got you a gift while I was away."

"Ooh. I love gifts."

"I thought you would, but it in my suitcase so you have to wait to get it." He smiles down at me. "So, are we a power couple now being that we both are state championship winners?"

"Definitely not." Over his shoulder I see this girl in a hot pink two piece bikini, openly staring at Jordan — like she doesn't see me literally in his arms. "What I do know is that you're gonna have all these girls flocking around you now."

"So you can entertain your groupies but I can't entertain mine?" Jordan questions, I roll my eyes. "Joking! It's going to be the same with you, I've seen all those pictures that people have taken with you, tagging you in them. You'll have dudes and girls after you now. But aside from our groupies, how are things between you and Liv?"

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