The End Of Cat Noir?

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Marinette looks sadly at Luka.

‘Vacation is over, Luka. Tikki, spots on!’

Marinette transforms into Ladybug.

Ladybug helps Luka get to safety.

Cat Noir spots her. ‘Ladybug?’

Ladybug gasps when she sees him. ‘Cat Noir?’

‘What are you doing here?!’ they both ask each other at the same time.

Cat Noir looks sheepish. ‘Uhh... It's a long story! Where's Marinette?’

‘She’s fine. Luka insisted I get her to safety first. But why aren't you back in Paris?’ Ladybug asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Cat Noir sighs. ‘I'll explain later!’

Ladybug gets Luka to safety and her and Sparrow run off with Cat Noir.

Shadowmoth speaks to Nathalie through his tablet: “Nathalie, you can get rid of the sentimonster I created before leaving Paris. We will no longer be needing it!” He takes the Eagle Miraculous.

Techlonizer starts walking towards Uncanny Valley. ‘LET'S SEE IF I CAN ABSORB YOU WHOLE!’

Ladybug uses her yo-yo to throw him away from her.

Sparrow is in awe. ‘You've come all the way from Paris to help us out?’

Cat Noir smiles. ‘Yeah! We thought it'd be friendly to give you a hand in honour of French American Friendship Week!’

Techlonizer gets up and uses his laser beam as Ladybug, Cat Noir, Uncanny Valley and Sparrow split up.

Sparrow looks to Uncanny Valley. ‘See that?! They don't need anyone's permission to take action!’

‘That's right! He never asks for anything! DO YOU, CAT NOIR?’ Ladybug cried out sarcastically.

‘Sparrow, did you warn Knightowl and Majestia?’ Uncanny Valley asks her as she punches Techlonizer.

Sparrow sighs. ‘I couldn't! But you know what?! -- we don't need anyone's permission either!’

Uncanny Valley looks unsure. ‘Are you sure you wanna step out of the procedure?’

‘This is our chance to prove to them they were just like these two! Autonomous, bonded together by trust and super efficient!’ Sparrow replies confidently.

Ladybug was still making sarcastic comments to Cat Noir. “Just go and rest easy! Yeah, leave Paris with me!"

Cat Noir tries to defend himself. ‘I-I didn't know I was going to leave! It was a last-minute decision, that's all!’

Techlonizer hits Ladybug and Cat Noir. Sparrow and Uncanny Valley are shocked.

Ladybug seethed in anger. ‘Do you realize that because of you there's no one left in Paris to protect the city?!’

Techlonizer runs away efficiently.
Ladybug groans. ‘He's running away!’

‘You sound like Captain Obvious!’ Sparrow replies.

‘Why didn't you tell me that you were leaving?!’ Ladybug asks him.

‘I was afraid you'd get angry!’ Cat Noir replied.

‘And you were right, because as you can see, I AM angry!!’ Ladybug yells.

Uncanny Valley observes them fighting. ‘Autonomous, bonded by trust and super-efficient?!’

Sparrow sighs. ‘Yeah, I might have overestimated them.’

The superheroes catch up with Techlonizer.

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