Chapter 5 - First Day

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1 week later…

A week has passed since the Entrance Exams, and the 3 amigos were waiting for their results to arrive. As if it were fate, all 3 made it in and were bound to head to UA, with Kyojuro in first place getting the most points overall, Ishiro getting second, and Izuku getting third. Now all 3 would be arriving at the beach to meet up with All Might to discuss their acceptance at the Academy.

Izuku: *pant, pant* All Might!!!

All Might: *Bleugh!*

Ishiro: Dude! Not so loud!
Kyojuro: Good grief…

To their surprise, two random citizens were on a dock nearby and heard the name be yelled.

Citizen 1: All Might?! He's here?!
Citizen 2: Where is he?!

Kyojuro: Tch. Sorry! He got confused! He's not here.

Citizen 1: Aw man, thought he'd be here.

Kyojuro: You need to learn how to restrain your inner fanboy.

Izuku: Sorry! I couldn't help it!

All Might: Anyways, congrats on passing you 3.

Ishiro: Did you know that we passed before we got our letters?

All Might: Yes.

Kyojuro: Then why not tell us before?

All Might: I can't have the school know of our connections, plus you all have to wait just like the rest of the students who participated and waited for their results.

Kyojuro: Fair.

All Might: And don't worry about any bias or favouritism, you all participated and got the points you achieved on the field.

Izuku: So like the projector said, you're gonna be a teacher at UA?! Is that why you got us to meet you here? I mean, your office is at-

All Might: Enough. I couldn't tell the public about me being a teacher yet, so UA did it for me. I figured I could find a successor whilst being a teacher there.

Kyojuro: Telling us you would've found somebody else at the school instead of him?

All Might: It was a possibility, yes. However fate can change things, and here we are.

Ishiro: The possibility of somebody else having OFA just doesn't sit right with me, I just can't picture it.

Izuku: That's the thing… when I used it, half of my body was broken, my fingers were broken and bruised when I just did finger flicks… it's hard to wield it.

All Might: That's just how it is. Not everyone can control their power when they first find out, that's why many kids with quirks mess up on their first try.

Ishiro: I can vouch for that, I remember being a kid and burping one time, fire came out of my mouth and nearly burned my dad's hair off…

Izuku: …
Kyojuro: …
All Might: …

Rengoku: Hahahahaha!!!

Ishiro: Hey, he still has some hair on him.

Kyojuro: Is that why everytime you force yourself to burp, you do a short one so a fireball can come out?

Ishiro: Right.

All Might: Alright alright, look, the point is right now it's all or nothing. You'll learn how to regulate that power, then that will let you put out as much power your body can handle. The more you build your vessel, the more you can control your power. *buffs up* Like This!

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