Chapter 12: Desire

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Raf waited until he was certain everyone was asleep before he threw off his blanket and put on his glasses. Agent Fowler was watching Red, keeping an eye on her so the terrorist couldn't escape.

Red stared right back at him.

Raf climbed down the ladder, catching the Agent's attention.

"Raf." Fowler stood up. "What are you doing?"

"I wanted to talk to Victoria." Raf said quietly, looking at Red, whose back was to him.

Fowler sighed and nodded. "I don't see why not."

Raf went in front of Red cautiously, his hands shaking.

"Victoria?" He asked.

She looked straight back at him.

"Why?" Raf whispered. "Why did you betray us?"

"I was never on your side in the first place." Red stated.

Raf eyes watered. "I trusted you."

"Your mistake."

Raf glared angrily. "Was everything you told me a lie!? Did you ever really care!?"

Despite her blank face, each word that came out of Raf's mouth sent a pang of guilt through her. Red's chest squeezed tightly.

She didn't know how to answer his question. She wasn't supposed to have ever cared.

But Red did care.

She just didn't want to admit it.

Raf realized that Red wouldn't answer his question and he sniffed, wiping his nose.

"I hate you."

Red flinched.

It went unnoticed by Raf, who was now walking away,  but Fowler didn't miss it. No. He saw the whole thing.

Red looked down.

He had every reason to hate her. She inserted herself into his life, played the part of the a kind heroine, and then tried to destroy everything he held dear.

And she was this close from succeeding.

But Red had no reason to care that he hated her. Raf was her enemy. For now. He should be grateful that she was giving him the opportunity to become a valued member of MECH.

"Are you really so heartless that even Raf can't get to you?" Fowler asked.

Red's head snapped up and she sent him her most powerful, hate-filled glare.

Fowler only smiled. "So he did."

And it was in that moment that Red realized she was just played.


Megatron was furious.

He'd been defeated by humans.


He was humiliated.

By humans.


Megatron saw Starscream in the hallway and punched the second in command in his stomach as he passed.

"Pay attention." Megatron snapped.

It would be humiliating to be defeated so easily by Autobots, but for some tiny, organic creatures to have beaten him... Megatron could not express his fury with words.

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