Chapter 5: Keep Your Enemies Closer

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Victoria sat at the edge of the human area, watching the Autobots move around each other, talking and thinking. They were truly incredible beings, it was such a shame that they had to die.

When they had visited Smokescreen, it was clear that Silas had done as agreed. The bot was in terrible shape, but nothing too serious, or else he wouldn't be of much use in the future. More importantly, Smokescreen didn't even remember meeting Victoria in the first place, so he would certainly not remember MECH.

MECH would no doubt deal with any information Fowler might try and dig up on her. If they had known she'd be here so long, they'd have used one of her aliases, but Vic would have to do for now.

A fake i.d. and a little history should be sufficient enough to keep him off her tail.

Other than the government agent, Victoria only needed to worry about Optimus. She didn't have much evidence, but it seemed clear in the way he looked at her that he had some sort of suspicion.

The fact that they didn't think this would be a long term operation made her job much harder. It gave the Autobots time to think about the signal they detected before the Decepticons arrived. It gave them time to think about Victoria's inconvenient car choice, how she charged the Decepticons so quickly, and how she expertly dodged their blasts when they thought she was Knockout.

Victoria resisted the urge to scowl.

She had been sloppy in anticipation of things going right, but clearly, that was an error. She would have to be more careful now.

"Hey, Victoria." Raf plopped down next to the girl and smiled warmly.

"Hi, Raf. What's up?" She smiled back.

Raf glanced at Agent Fowler. "I was wondering... How come you introduced yourself to Agent Fowler as Vic, but Victoria to us?"

In case he recognizes my name.

Victoria smiled. "It was a thing I did with my dad. Anyone who called me Victoria was trustworthy and anyone who calls me Vic is not."

"Why don't you trust Fowler?"

She shrugged. "I just have a feeling."

"Hm." Raf looked back over toward the bots and started kicking his legs over the drop. "Okay, why do you trust Miko?"

"She's too hyper to be a bad person."

Raf laughed. "I guess so."

It wasn't a complete lie, actually. Except both Vic and Victoria were untrustworthy names. Agent Red was for allies and Red was for only the most trusted.

Victoria smiled. "So what exactly do you guys do all the time?"

"Oh, we do homework, play games, and go on rides." Raf told her. "We used to go racing, but that didn't end well. In fact, your brother almost got killed by Knockout."

"Really?" Victoria raised an eyebrow. "That's the Decepticon who looks like my car, right?"


"So you must see the Autobots fight alot." She said.

Raf shook his head. "Not exactly. Optimus wants to keep us safe, so that's the definite no."

"Do you guys do anything to help them?"

Raf frowned. "Um, every once in a while... But- but I help a lot!"

Victoria grinned. "Cool! What do you do?"

"I can hack. I've found Agent Fowler before, helped stop MECH from getting the D.I.N.G.U.S. and all sorts of things." Raf explained. "In a few years, I'll be even better. Ratchet has been teaching me Cybertronian."

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