Chapter 8: Too Many Emotions

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Victoria spent the afternoon at the Autobot base, but today, she was much more quiet than usual. Optimus's words reverberated around in her head.

A question presented itself, one that Victoria found herself dwelling over.

Was it better for the world to be ruled by MECH?

Human trafficking could be eradicated, hunger could be fed, wars would end, everyone would be united and safe from each other. Every person would be working toward goals and the betterment of humanity.

A perfect society.

That's what Victoria had once told herself.

But what did it matter if humanity was safe? Wasn't all good things worth fighting for? What were good things?

They were things that made you happy!

Every job on the planet, in some form or another, makes people happy. Whether it's satisfaction or money they get in return, the end goal is to live a happy life.

Victoria leaned back.

But... if Optimus was right... if MECH really is something that the world doesn't need...

What was she supposed to do about it?

Victoria glanced at Raf, who was sitting in Bumblebee's alternative mode and playing a video game. Through the windshield, she could see Raf laughing.

Raf had poured out his soul to her. He'd told her all about the best and worst parts of his life.

And Victoria had made plans to destroy it all.

She'd given MECH everything they needed to take the Autobots apart: the location of their base; physical and mental strengths; blueprints of the complex; how they operate and ways to keep them alive longer; anything MECH could possibly need.

The Autobots were already doomed and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Except warn them.

But that... There was nothing that Victoria could do that would betray MECH more than let the Autobots know what she'd done. If Victoria did that, she'd be signing off to a lifetime on the run. A lifetime of never forgetting the faction that she'd betrayed.

Victoria's entire life had been devoted to MECH and it's mission for the world. Without them, she was nothing.


Victoria sighed.

Following orders was easy. Thinking about them was hard.

But Victoria couldn't tell herself that she was was trying to save the world if she knew deep down, that she was hurting it.

Victoria glared. This was Optimus's fault. If he had just minded his business, she could still be doing her job and- and... She'd still be completely oblivious.

It was her own fault. She was the only one to blame for the choices she made.

Victoria pulled her legs up to her chest and closed her eyes, resting her forehead on her knees. A small sigh left her mouth.

What was she going to do?

The answer was so simple. So clear. So obvious. Tell the Autobots.

But Victoria didn't want to make it.

After all, the only person who ever understood her, ever truly knew her, was the same man who led MECH. Silas, a.k.a. Leland Bishop.

Her father.


Day five.

The MECH base would be ready sometime tomorrow.

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