Chapter 11: Triple Ambush

Start from the beginning

Megatron managed to shoot the device off of himself, but MECH was already surrounding them, their weapons pointed at both of them. Megatron was hit with two more and he fell to one knee.

Silas walked forward confidently with Red at his side.

Instead of focusing on Megatron, his eyes were on Optimus.

"Where is the other?"

Optimus glared. "You will never find Smokescreen."

His eyes narrowed and Silas's arm snapped outward, grabbing Red by her hair and yanking her to the side. Silas pressed his gun against her head and Red's eyes widened.

"Dad!?" She gasped. "What are you-?"

He smacked it into her temple, causing Red to cry out and crumple to her knees, only being head up by her hair. Optimus's chest tightened at the sound of her pain, despite knowing she had betrayed them.

"Where is the other Autobot?" Silas demanded.

Red started crying. "Dad! How could you!?"

"Shut up." Silas snapped, not losing eye contact with Optimus. "Where. Is. Smokescreen."

"I'll show you." Megatron suddenly lunged forward, somehow still conscious after being hit with three of the devices.

He almost hit Silas, but Red wrapped her arms around the man and tackled him to the ground. Instantly, the other MECH agents stepped forward and shot Megatron with multiple.

Megatron blacked out quickly.

Red and Silas stood, dusting themselves off.

Silas scowled. "We will find the location of your new base one way or another."

Optimus didn't think things could get more complicated, but suddenly the Autobots were charging through MECH lines.

Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee swiped through them easily, having the advantage of height, power, and surprise.

The humans erupted into chaos, shooting wildly and running around. Bulkhead reached Optimus and helped the Prime up.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I will be." Optimus replied, gritting his teeth.

Silas jumped, lunging into a helicopter and taking over the controls. Red was right behind him, about to grab the door when Arcee suddenly appeared.

"Oh, no you don't." Arcee snatched Red up, tearing her away.

Silas reached for his cannon, but the female Autobot had already moved on, running back to her leader with Red.

Silas looked around the growled. The battle was lost. He risked capture if he did not leave immediately.

With a snarl, the leader of MECH activated the helicopter and flew away.

A new groundbridge opened, surprising the Autobots.

Soundwave stepped through with Starscream at his side.

Starscream screeched, shooting his rockets at them blindly. The Autobots lunged away.

In the chaos, Soundwave had somehow managed to disappear entirely unnoticed. Megatron was gone with him.

Starscream ran back through the groundbridge once the Autobots began to return fire.

For a moment, everything was silent.

And then all eyes turned to Red.


Fowler paced back and forth, staring at Red the whole time. Everyone was overseeing the interaction, including the other kids, who were farther away for their protection.

Optimus and Smokescreen were watching, both of them newly refueled with energon.

"So you work for MECH." Fowler stated.

Red leaned back, her hands handcuffed and attached to the sides of the chair.


Fowler scowled. "What do they want with the Autobots?"

"To use their biotechnology and build robots to destroy the Decepticons and take over the world." Red replied calmly.

Fowler paused, somewhat surprised at Red's honest answer.

"You're not going to lie to me?" He asked.

Red's face remained emotionless as she stared at him.

"What reason would I have to lie?"

Fowler crossed his arms. "Okay, where is the MECH base?"

"I don't know."

He glared. "Well, now you are lying."

"It was just built." Red pointed out. "You destroyed our last facility."

Fowler scowled. "What do you know that is useful to me."

Red paused and thought for a moment. "You should stop dieting. It clearly does not work and is only making you miserable."

Agent Fowler resisted the urge to smack her. His belly was a very sensitive topic.

"Also, your new base lacks even more security than the last." Red glanced around. "We could easily infiltrate this place."

"Why are you working for MECH?" Fowler demanded.

"Why wouldn't I?" Red asked. "MECH is saving the world."

"The world doesn't want to be saved." Fowler snapped.

"Because you're hiding the fact that it could be destroyed by an alien warlord from the people that you are supposed to protect." Red told him.

Fowler sat down in front of Red and leaned forward. "We're stopping a mass panic."

"You're taking away their rights."

Optimus stepped forward. "Silas is Victoria's father."

"WHAT!?" Fowler, Nurse Darby, and the child all exclaimed simultaneously.

"Well that makes this less complicated." Arcee stated, crossing her arms.

Bulkhead elbowed the femme. "We're not throwing her in jail."

"That wasn't my suggestion." Arcee replied.

This time Bumblebee hit Arcee's arm. "We're definitely not killing her."

Fowler looked at Red seriously. "Is Silas your father?"

Red leaned forward. "So what if he is?"

Agent Fowler shook his head. "I need to call General Bryce."

Red simply watched him with that pentrating, cold stare of hers.

The Agent stood up and left, pulling out his phone and going to his office to pace.

Red looked around the room.

Her eyes landed on Optimus's. The two of them regarded each other silently with unreadable expressions.

And then Optimus walked away.

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