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Kate got a cab from the airport the the hospital and was met by Declan. She stood outside Tom's room, waiting for the doctor while two nurses settled him in to his room in intensive care. A man came out and introduced himself as Dr Porter, leading Kate down the hall to a small waiting room.
"Thomas has just come back from a CT and x rays and we have his bloods back. He is in a serious condition, you need to understand that." Kate nodded solemnly and he continued. "He has pneumonia and encephalitis, meaning he's had an underlying virus for some time and it has infected his brain, causing swelling. That will be why he passed out and had such a headache. He also has pneumonia which will have been caused by the same illness, and caused pus to build up in his lungs. He is having difficulty breathing, and with your consent I'd like to put him on a ventilator just as an extra support. It will give his lungs a chance to recover."
"OK," was all that Kate could manage.
"As for the encephalitis, all we can do is keep him sedated and resting and let it heal itself. We'll monitor it closely and make sure the swelling subsides."
"So he will be OK?" She asked hopefully.
"It's so difficult to say. Given his age and fitness level, I'd say his chances are good. Encephalitis can in some cases cause brain damage. We can't see any at this stage, but you need to be prepared for that. His assistant said he has been unwell?"
"Yes, he had a cold or flu a couple of weeks ago and was ordered to rest, which he did. I thought he was better or I never would have left. I'd have stayed and taken care of him."
"Katherine," he put a hand on her shoulder. "This isn't your fault. It isn't his fault, it isn't anyone's fault. He has a virus of some sort, we suspect adenovirus but we're waiting for tests to come back. Don't blame yourself. No one could have known."
"Can I see him now?"
"Just for a few minutes while I get ready to put the breathing tube in, ok? Then you can come back when we're done."
"OK. Can he hear me?"
"He's on pretty heavy painkillers and very light sedation so he will be groggy. But yes, he can."

Kate opened the door and sat down next to Tom's bed. He looked so sick, so far removed from the strong, fit, man she knew. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. Taking his hand in hers, she put his fingers gently to her lips and he stirred. "Kate?" He said, muffled by the oxygen mask.
"I'm right here baby,"
"I'm sorry Kate,"
"Sshhhh you don't need to be sorry. You don't need to talk. I'm here, they're taking care of you, go back to sleep."
He looked over at her, much more clearly than she would have expected. "What's happening?"
She sighed and steadied her voice. "You have pneumonia and encephalitis, a virus in your lungs and your brain. In a moment they're going to put a breathing tube in to help you breathe while you get stronger." He shook his head. "Yes, Tom. It's just while your lungs heal. And they will, so will your brain. And you'll wake up and come home to me. You promise me." Kate voice shook just a little, it was a fight to speak at all. She could see tears in Tom's eyes. "Promise me Thomas."
He removed the mask and turned his head, tears running on to his pillow. "I promise my Katherine. I promise."
She gently put the mask back on and he groaned. "Are you in pain?" He nodded. "Where?"
"They're going to sedate you in a minute baby. I'll be here when you wake up. And every minute in between."
"I love you Kate," he slurred.
"I love you too," she put his hand to her lips and kissed it softly again.
When the team came in they told her to go get something to eat and they'd call her when they were done. She was relieved to find Declan still waiting outside so she wouldn't be alone.
"They're putting him on a ventilator to let his lungs heal. He has pneumonia. And encephalitis, an infection in his brain." Kate was numb and speaking on autopilot, her brain running through what she needed to do next.
"Oh god Kate. It's bad isn't it." Declan said.
"It's not good. But he's stable. I have to call his family. And Luke."
"Can I get anything for you? What can I do?"
"I honestly don't know, I can't think."
"Coffee? You might need it,"
"Yes please. Then you should go home Dec. Get some rest."
Kate pulled out her phone and dialled. "Hi Kate, what's happening?"
Kate relayed everything Dr Porter had said and let out a long shaky sigh.
"Do you think we should come over? I'm 99% sure I'll be on a plane tomorrow but should I bring mum?"
"I don't know Emma. I don't think I can answer that. I don't know what to do."
"Just breathe, honey. Sit with him, talk to him. You're there, that's all he needs."
"I hope so. I have to go and call Luke, he has no idea."
"Kate, if he needs anything... if you need anything, please call. We love you, you're family. Thank you for looking after him."
"Thanks Emma," Kate tried not to let her voice crack. "I'll talk to you soon."
When Declan returned Kate had her face in her hands, mentally preparing herself to call Luke. He handed her a cup and put a hand gently on her back. "You holding up?"
"Yeah, just have to call Luke."
"I'll leave you-"
"Stay with me. Please, Dec. Just until I can go back in?"
"Of course."
Kate dialled Luke and waited, realising it was the middle of the night.
"Katherine. What is it."
"Luke, Tom is sick."
"I need a plane ticket sick or he needs a week off sick?"
"Somewhere in between."
"Fuck," he was wide awake now. "Kate, yes or no, is he ok?"
"Right now, yes. He's sedated and on a ventilator so he can get better."
"I'll be on a plane tomorrow. Do you need anything? Have you called his family?"
"Yes I've just spoken to them, Emma will be here tomorrow." Kate's voice began to shake. "Luke, I don't know what to do. I don't- I can't think."
"I know. Just, be there. That's all you can do. Do you have anyone near there who can be with you?"
"OK let me think about it. Just be there sweetheart. He'll be OK."
"You don't know that," she whispered.
"Hang in there, I'll be there as soon as I can."

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