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Harry's pov

I woke up this morning not wanting to go to school. I had no reason to. Louis was avoiding me and my friends noticed how miserable I was. I was barely getting any sleep but luckily I didn't get another panic attack after the one I had a few days ago.

I eventually got out of bed and got ready for school. I put on a black t-shirt, black hoodie, black skinny jeans and a black bandana on my head. I walked downstairs and took Gemma's car keys. I waited for her in the car and she drove me to school. She used to ask why I didn't eat breakfast but then realised she was wasting her time so she stopped.

When she arrived at the school, I reached my hand out to open the door, but she stopped me. "Harry, can we talk?" she asked.

"Sure" I said.

"I understand that what Louis did was bad, no it was a terrible thing to do but that shouldn't stop you from eating. I'm worried about you Haz, your eyes have bags under them and that sparkle isn't there anymore. They're just dull and that bothers me because your beautiful eyes shouldn't look like that. You shouldn't look like that so please, try to reach out one more time and fix things with him"

"How can I do that if he'll just keep avoiding me?"

"Then follow his every move. Become a stalker if you have to, just anything to get my little brother happy again"

"Alright, I'll try my best"

I got out of the car and walked into the school to my locker. When I got there, I couldn't believe what happened. Louis actually tried to talk to me. I couldn't believe the nerve of that boy. He had been avoiding for the past few days and only now he reaches out. Obviously, I wasn't gonna make it that easy for him. I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. I ignored his existence and just went to my first class.

When I was in the bathroom during the day and Louis found me in there, once again, he tried to talk to me but I just ignored him and walked out of the bathroom.

When I was walking to the cafeteria during lunch, hetried to talk to me but what did I do? Yep, you guessed it. I ignored him and walked away.

When I was walking in the corridors going to my classes, he would try to reach out but I did the only thing I'd been doing that day. I ignored him and walked away.

I was actuay surprised when I was waiting for Gemma outside and he didn't approach me. I mean, I guess I'm glad he stopped bothering me but it also bothers me that he's already given up.

Gemma parked in front of me and I got inside the car. "I'm guessing by the look of your face you didn't talk to him" she said.

"You're right I didn't but the weird thing is that he was the one reaching out today"

"Wait, I don't understand. If he was reaching out, how come you didn't talk?"

"Because I was avoiding him the whole day"

"Harry!" she hit my arm.

"Ow! What'd you do that for?"

"To knock some sense into you. You do realise you just did exactly what he did to you right?"

"Yes, I know that which is why I did it"

"If you know how it feels to be ignored and avoided like a disease, why would you make him feel that?"

"So he could get a taste of his own medicine. What he did was horrible and I wanted him to know what it feels like before he even thinks of coming to apologise to me"

"Just hope your foolish plan works" she started the car and drove us home.

When she parked in the driveway, I got inside the house and went up to my room. I decided to read a book. I could only read it for a few minutes before breaking down and crying because I couldn't stop thinking about Louis.

We Made It (Larry Stylinson Au) Louis povOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora