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It was the day before my birthday and I was excited. I couldn't wait to spend time with Harry the next day. I was bored so I had texted Harry but he didn't respond.

I was confused because Harry always responded really quickly or even immediately. I knew something was off. What really confirmed my suspicions was Lottie leaving saying she was going somewhere.

I had asked if she wanted a ride there but she said she was just gonna walk. When I asked where she was going, she just said she was going to Niall's house. I asked why and she just said they were gonna talk about me and Harry aka Larry Stylinson sice they had shipped us from day one. They were even gonna have tea and scones.

Harry finally responded to my message and we spent the rest of the day together.


I woke up smiling because it was my birthday. I jumped out of bed and showered. Once I was out, I sat on my bed still wearing a towel some my waist. I decided to call Harry. After two rings, he answered the call.

"Hey Haz" I said cheerfully.

"Hey Lou. You sound like you're in a good mood"

"It's not just a good mood. I'm feeling great"

"I like knowing you're happy"

"Do you want to hang out today? We could go to the park and just sit there together or we could-" before I could finish me sentence, he cut me off.

"Actually Louis I'm really sorry. I'm just really busy today and I don't have the time"

"Oh" my voice was suddenly quiet.

I could believe it. Did he actually say that? I must have been imagining it right?

"Hey look, tomorrow I don't have anything to do so you'll have me all to yourself" he said, hoping to cheer me up.

"Okay. I guess I'll um... I'll see you tomorrow" I replied, hurt evident in my voice.

"Bye Lou"

"Yeah um bye Harry"

I'm sure he knew I was upset.  I had called him Harry. I don't normally call him that. I always call him Haz, Hazza or love. But I was sad and I couldn't help it. My own boyfriend had forgotten my birthday. How was I supposed to act like it's not big deal? I laid down on my bed and sighed sadly.


Harry's pov

I was in Louis' house with Niall, Liam and Zayn. Louis was out with Lottie and from what I heard, he was really sad. I was guilty earlier and now I'm even more guilty.

"Aww c'mon Harry what's wrong?" Niall asked. "You should be energetic. We're decorating the house.for Louis' surprise party"

"I'm sorry Niall. It's just that I'm feeling guilty" I replied.

"And why is that?"

"Louis called me earlier and he sounded so happy but once I told him we couldn't hang out his mood changed immediately. He sounded so sad and Lottie texted me saying he was sad when they left"

"Don't worry  yourself about it Hazza man. Louis will get over it. Once he sees what we've done, he'll be so happy"

"Are you sure Niall?"

"Of course mate. I am his best mate after all and from the day you guys met, I've noticed that every time he sees you, he smiles immediately no matter the situation. So don't worry alright Haz"


We started decorating the house and I was shouting at people telling them where things should go. At some point I had to do it myself because Niall was confused.

We Made It (Larry Stylinson Au) Louis povWhere stories live. Discover now