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I woke up and saw Harry staring at me. He looked so beautiful. "Huh? Oh hey Harry. How'd you sleep?" I asked, my voice a little deeper than it usually is.

"Amazingly. How about you?" he smiled.

"I was peaceful for once. What time is it?"

He looked over at the clock on my bedside table. "It's 4:30"

"Oh. We must have slept for a long while"

"Yeah. I need to go home"

"Why don't you stay over for dinner? Mum wouldn't mind"

Is it obvious I want to spend more time with him?


Do I care?

No I don't.

"I don't know Lou"

"Oh come on Harry. Please" I begged.

"I would love to stay Louis, trust me but my mum's most likely worried about me. I only told her about meeting at the coffee shop. She doesn't know I came to your house. She probably thinks I was kidnapped or something"

"I think you're exaggerating a bit there Haz"

"I'm not. She is really protective over me. She always has been ever since we moved here"

"Really? Why?" Maybe now he can tell me what happened back in Holmes Chapel.

"Um... that's not important right now" Of course he was gonna avoid it but I wasn't going to pressure him. He can tell me when he's ready.

"Okay, but can you at least try and convince her to let you stay over for dinner. Please"

"I don't think she'll say yes"

"Please Haz. Do it for me" I gave him my puppy dog eyes, hoping it would work and because Harry's weak, it did.

"Alright fine. I'll ask her"

"Thank you so much Haz" I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him really tight.

"Um Lou, could you please let go. I can't breathe"

"Oh sorry"

He texted his mom and after a few minutes, he told me she'd agreed. I was smiling so brightly. "His smile is as bright as the sun" he mumbled, just loud enough for me to hear him.

"Thanks Haz" I said.

"What for?" he asked, worried.

"For the compliment" I replied. His face flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh um did I say that out loud? I'm sorry I didn't mean to. You must think I'm weird now. I was ju-"

"Don't worry Haz, it's okay. I don't mind"

"You don't think it's weird"

"Of course not. I'm happy that I finally got a compliment from you"

"I've complimented you before"

"I don't believe you"

"I literally told you that you're cute not so long ago. You're the one that never compliments me"

"I'm sorry Hazza. You are a really beautiful person"

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"Of course not"

"Okay" he clearly didn't believe me.


I was driving him home until I realised something. "Why don't you have a licence?" I asked.


"You know, a driver's licence. How come you don't have one?"

"I don't know. Maybe my mum doesn't trust me with a car"

"That doesn't make sense. You're a 17 year old boy. She should be able to trust you"

"Actually I'm 16 not 17"


"So that's why you looked too young to be in this grade"

"Yeah. My teachers thought I was too smart so I jumped a couple of grades"

"That means I'm older than you"

"It's only by a year so it's not that much"

"Actually my birthday hasn't passed yet. I'm turning 18 in December so I'm two years older than you"

"Well that's shocking"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just can't believe you're older than me but I'm taller than you"

How dare he make fun of my height

"I'll let you know that I'm 5'9"

"Okay Louis. Whatever helps you sleep at night"

We arrived at his house and just as his hand was about to reach the for handle, I stopped him. "Wait. I um... I just wanted to say that I had a great time with you today"

"Even when I fell asleep on your chest?"

"I enjoyed every moment I had with you"

"That's so cheesy and you're making this sound like it was a date or something"

"Maybe it was" I winked, a light blush on my cheeks.

He got out of the car and walked inside his house. I drove with a smile on my face the whole way back to me house. That smile was still on my face even when I walked into the house. I got questioning looks from everyone except Lottie. She looked at me knowingly and signalled she would meet me in my room.

I sat on my bed thinking about Harry for a while until Lottie came inside. "Sooooo, what did he do that's got you all smiley and happy?" she asked, grinning.

"He didn't do anything. I just had a great time hanging out with him"

"Right. 'hanging out'"

"Really it was"

"What exactly did you guys do today"

"Well first I asked him to go to the Beachwood Café with me and we had so much fun there. Then I brought him back here and we watched a movie snuggled up next to each other. After it ended, he fell asleep on my chest and we slept together. When we woke up, I asked him to stay for dinner and he did which is why he was with us tonight"

"Lou, do you not realise what you just did"

"What? What did I do?"

"You just described a date. A romantic date to be specific"

"Maybe it was a date but Harry doesn't need to know that"

"Aww Louis"

"What is it now?"

"You're blushing"

"No I'm not"

"Yes, you are. You look so adorable"

"Get out of my room" I pushed her out of the door.

"Alright but just know I'll never forget this"

A/N: To make up for the updates I missed, I'm posting another chapter. I didn't post because I had no internet at all for two days straight. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.<333

We Made It (Larry Stylinson Au) Louis povWhere stories live. Discover now