{💋🍒|Chapter 21|🍒💋}

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Y/n: who said I wasn't real!

Eliot: oh no one said that it's just I never saw you come out from the things your other siblings did.

I didn't even get a photo of you because you never came here.

Five: how everyone would of came through the portal what do you mean you never saw her.

Y/n: because I ended up somewhere else five.

Five: what do you mean?

Y/n: I ended up some other place.

Five: then we're did you end up?

Y/n: ummm before my jobs and that I umm got.

Kidnapped and tortured and bet up so ummm yeah.

Five: what do you mean who tortured you?

Y/n: someone I didn't know who he was but he knew my father and he thought if he.

Tortured me until I was nearly dead but before he could kill me the cops found me and took me.

Straight to the hospital and I was in a coma for 9 mouths five.
*Says turning away from his gaze on her*

Five: so you decided to tell me this know when you could of told me.

Before we came here so where you going to keep this secret and never tell me

Y/n: well I was going to tell you when we got back to the others but yes.

I was going to keep it a secret from you until we met with the others.

Five: why would you do that y/n.

Y/n: because I knew you would act like this and.

I didn't want you to worry about me when you already.

Have saving the world on your mind.

Five: oh so you didn't want me to worry about you and you just wanted to keep it to yourself.

Until I saved the world I thought we made a promise to tell each other everything.

But I guess I was wrong about you ha I can't believe I trusted you.

Y/n: oh come on fivey you can trust me I just wanted didn't tell you so you wouldn't be distracted.

About me come on don't say that you trust me I know you do.
*Eliot left before it got too out of hand when she said this he left the room*

Five: nope what ever we had is over. I don't want to hear anything or ever see you again.

You hear me leave and never show your face to me ever again.

and if you do I'll kill you myself I don't care about you anymore.

Y/n: fivey come on you don't mean that right?
*Says with tears at the Conner of her eyes*

Five: shut the fuck up I hate you just die I wished I never saved you.
*Says in a angry tone*

Y/n's pov: when he said that he came at me with a knife and he held it to my throat.

And I didn't I see the sharp nail in the wall behind my hip.

and that's the wall he pushed me onto and I yelp in pain from the impact.

And I look into fives eyes and see hate and anger. In them and he pressed a little to hard on my throat.

And he cut a little bit of my neck on the side and when he saw that his eyes widened.

Y/n: fine if thats what you want then fine I'll do it.

Five's pov: as she said that I got out from my shocked emotion and I was going to say something but.

five X reader ( fem reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon