(*×Chapter 2×*)

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After the talk you had with five.

Y/n's pov: as I walked out of fives door I hear him call me back but I don't go back.

Because there's no point he's just going to leave anyway as I walk down the stairs I see the others but no Ben.

Y/n: hey have yous seen Ben.

The other siblings: no sorry Y/n.

Y/n: ok bye I'll see Yous at breakfast.

The other siblings: oh ok y/n.

Y/n's pov: when they said that I just said bye and started to walk to my room I opened my door.

And walked to my bed and just fell face first onto my bed and then I turned around and just looked at the selling in my bedroom.

After about 10 minutes I heard the bell for breakfast.

And I opened my door and started to walk out and head for the stairs.

I went to my sit and stood behind It until all of my other siblings came down and of cause  five is the last to get here.

And when he finally made it to his sit next to me he looked at me but I just looked away until I heard dad tell us to take our sits.

And mum came out with the food and placed it onto the table and then we all started to eat until five stabbed a butter knife into the table.

And I knew what he was going to say so I just stopped eating and waited for him and dad to finish there talk.

Dad: you know not to talk or ruin breakfast time five do you have something to say.

Five: I want to time travel.

Dad: no five your not ready to do that.

Y/n's pov: then when dad said that five used his power and he repaired on the side of dad.

And he said he's been practicing his space jumping and saying he's ready and then dad said something that made five mad.

Then five started to walk off to the door and dad called out to him and told him to come back because breakfast wasn't done.

Then dad looked at me and said.

Dad: y/n please go get him to come back.

Y/n: ok.

Y/n's pov: I stood up and walked to the door and opened it to still see five walking.

And then I walked to him and when he stopped I stood behind him and he must of known because he said.

Five: don't try to stop me y/n why are you here anyway.

I thought you didn't want to talk to me.

Y/n: oh I'm not trying to stop you five dad sent me out here to bring you back.

But I know you won't do that because you want to leave and see the future so bye bye five.

Hope you have fun seeing the future and don't come back and start missing us.

Y/n's pov: and when I said that I walked back to the house but before I made it there five said something to me.

Five: come with me y/n.

Y/n: sorry but I'm saying no because I don't want to leave this time line yet.

Y/n's pov: and when I said that I kept walking to the house then I made it to the door and waited until I heard him leave.

Ha should of known we or me met nothing to him then I felt a tear go down my face. 

And before I went back into the house I wiped it away with my hand.

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