{√|Chapter 8|√}

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Y/n's pov: I see fivey get all  the stuff for my wound and then he comes back and lifts my shirt up and asked me to hold it up so he can.

Take the old bandages off and change them. For new ones and I can't stop looking at how gentle he is being with me.

And I can't help but to look in to his dark green orbs and his face because he looks really cute.

Five: done.

Y/n: oh thanks fivey.

Five: where you staring at me

Y/n: no I don't know what your talking about.

Five: sure you don't.

Y/n: ummm I need help getting up.

Five: what was that?
*Says in a cheeky tone of voice*

Y/n: really your doing this.

Five: yep so what did you want.

Y/n: can you please help me get up fivey.

Five: sure.

Y/n: really i had to do that to make you help me.

Five: yep.

Y/n: where should I get you to take me.(not what you think my beautiful Wolfie's readers)

Five: well I can take you too the bathroom to change out of those clothes?

Y/n: true I do need to change because this shirt is socked in my blood.

Hey five who did change me when I blacked out.

Five: mum did.

Y/n: good ok anyway this is where you drop me off.

Five: oh yeah here and there's some clothes in there for you.

Y/n: thxs fivey.

Y/n's pov: as I said that I close the door and get charged.

Fucking hell this hurts with bullet wounds.

As I finished getting charged I look at my self in the mirror and I see that my eyes and going red.

Fuck not this I hate when this happens.

Because when this happens it means my powers are waking up
And it also means my mother is trying to get me under her control.

And when she finally does  I will become nothing more then her robot.

And I'll also forget everyone here and five.

Five: you good in there y/n?

Y/n: yeah just had to button up my shirt.

Y/n's pov: as I said that I look back and see that the red in my eyes has gone.

Completely is it five who can stop her from taking control over me.

I go to the door and open it up and see five leaning on the side of the wall near the door.

And then I see his clothes they still have all my blood on them.

Five: oh your out I thought you died in there.

Y/n: nope I'm still alive can I ask you something.

Five: it depends on what it is.

Y/n: why haven't you changed out of your bloody clothes you could have done it when I was asleep.

Five: because.

Y/n: because what fivey?
*Says in a cute tone of voice*

Five: because I wanted to make sure your ok.

Y/n: aww how sweet of you darling.

Five: you happy now.

Y/n: yes I am go get charged so your siblings don't ask where's the blood from.

Five: ok ok fine.

Y/n: thank you.

Y/n's pov: as he said that he goes in the bathroom and closes the door and that's when I walk back to his bed and sit down.

I feel something under his Pellow and it's the latter I hid under my Pellow and there's.

Some of my things rapt into it as well I open it and see my necklace he gave me for my birthday and the bracelet I had to beg.

Him to help me make and then there's the photo we took together and were hugging each other.

And I'm kissing his cheek and he's smiling  I lost this photo but he still kept the one I gave him.

Because I printed two of them and gave one to him.

But he said he was going to put it in the bin but he didn't.

And then there's the final thing that was rapt up with the others things and it was the ring he gave me.

Omg I can't believe he kept this he said that this meant that he would always love me and marry me in the future.

But he said that when he was younger like when we where like ten or something I think.

As I was going to put it on I hear the door opening and that's when I put them all back and rap them up like he had them and put them where I found them.

And that's when the door finally opens up.

Five: there I changed you happy now.

Y/n: I am thank you if you don't mind I need help getting up.

Five: really it's not even dinner time yet.

Y/n: just please come over here and help me up.

Five: ok ok dam you can be mean.

Y/n's pov: as he was coming over I feel my eyes burning and that's when I know she's trying again.

Fuck and when five finally is close enough to me he helps me up and then I hug him really close to me.

Five: whoa what's with you your never like this but I don't mind you could have asked for a hug you know.

Y/n: yeah I know that but I knew you would have said no and then you would make me beg you for a hug.

Five: no I wouldn't have.

Y/n: I'm sure you weren't going to but I just feel safe with you with me.

Five's pov: as she said that I felt like I was the only one who can get this out of her and I'm mostly the only one she hugs because she wants too.

And she's not forcing her self to do it so I snake my arms around her waist and hug her close too me.

Y/n's pov: as I hugged him my eyes stopped burning and then I feel him hug me back but.

In a really protective way and also gentle not to hurt me.

He's so sweet with me but it's only me hopefully he doesn't know I went through all of that stuff he has of me.

And my things he was so loving to me and he even kept my things when he came back.

I thought he forgot about me but I was wrong he still care's about me.

Y/n: hey fivey?

Five: yeah what is it?

Y/n: can we umm stay like this for a while.

Five: sure I don't mind as long as it's you.

Y/n: thanks your the best.

Y/n's pov: at least I'll be able to hug him before my mum takes me away from him and he won't be able to stop her.

Five's pov: I don't know why she wanted me to hug her but I don't care because I want her to be with me.

All the time it's was like I was dying when she was gone I couldn't feel anything but sadness.

And I didn't like anyone touching me I would always push them off and say something.

But know that she's back I don't have to worry about anything anymore.

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