{♦️|Chapter 20|♦️}

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Y/n: can't fight that I am full of surprises oh and you look really cute wearing your.

Umbrella academy uniform not gonna lie.

Five: oh shut it I'm not meant to look cute.

Y/n: well you are. Anyway time to leave before Ethan try's something again.

Five: yep.

Y/n's pov: I walk to my door and open. It and me and five rush down the stairs.

Before Ethan could stop us again and once I was about to open. The door I hear Ethan.

Calling my name I open the door and walk out but before I do I grab five and take him with me.

And we rush to the car we took and start it up and start heading to one of our siblings.

That five must know where they are or knows someone and then I feel the car stop after a long way.

And I see a building and five opens his door and so do I and he walks to the front door I guess.

And he opens it and I see stars leading up and five gets in front of me and starts going up the stairs.

And I follow close behind him and then once we reach the top floor we enter.

A room and I see someone walking around in the living room.

And once we're in five closes the door and starts walking into the room where a guy is.

And when I enter the guy comes straight over to me and invades my personal space.

???: It's so nice to finally meet you number 8 or should I say y/n I've heard so much about you from five.

Anyway I'm Eliot.

Y/n: hi but could you please like take five steps away from me your too close.

Eliot: oh yeah sorry.

Y/n: and what has five said about me?😏

Eliot: oh he said on how much I missed you when he couldn't find you and said that your the love of his life.

And that he couldn't live without you or he would kill himself if he found you dead.

And also so if he court you with someone else who tried to fuc-

Five: shut up before I kill you she doesn't need to know any of that.

Y/n: awww my poor fivey missed me and was going to kill his self if I was dead.

Five: well yeah but anyway Eliot has seen our other siblings.

Y/n: oh really do you know where Diego Is?

Eliot: oh yeah the one who has knifes all over him.

Y/n: yeah him show me.

Eliot: oh yeah here this is what I have of him.

Y/n's pov: as he handed me a price of paper he tried to read it to me.

But I grabbed it from him and started reading it my self and he was invading my space again so.

I pushed his face away because of how close he was to my neck.

Y/n: stop getting so close to me please your really getting on my nerves.

Eliot: sorry it's just so nice to meet the legend number 8 I've heard.

Of what you do from five and it's so cool.

Y/n: ha nice to know I have a fan.
*Says turned to five giving him a death stare*

Five: ok enough Eliot your getting really close to y/n there and I don't like it.

Eliot: oh sorry five just really nice to find out that she's like real and standing in my living room.

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