"Okay. I'll grab that and I'll give it to you at the District." Said Hank and Abi nodded in agreement.

When we got to the district, she walked straight up to Trudy and gave her a smile.

"Hello." Said Trudy.

"Hi, I'm Abi. You look good behind the desk. It makes you look more powerful than the old man."

"Are you referring to Hank Voight?"

"Yeah. He's nice though."

"Yeah he is. Are you Abi Smith?"

"Yeah, at your service."

"You're funny, kid. You might have better humour than half the people on the team."

"Nope. It's just attitude." Said Hailey and walked past the two.

"C'mon Abi." I said and she followed Antonio upstairs.

Abi was sat in the breakroom for a couple of hours doing homework, so I went to check on her and ask if she wanted anything to eat or drink.

"Hey, kid."

"Hey." She responded except it wasn't like how she was earlier.

"What's up?"

"Oh nothing. Just hard homework."

"What is it?"

"English. We have to read the extract given and then pick out quotes and expand them."

"I was awful at English but I'll get Kevin to help you."

"Okay. Thanks."

Kevin tried helping her but it was no use so she just stuffed the paper back into her book and then went onto her phone.

It's difficult because we don't know Abi very well. We just know that she likes skateboarding, doesn't have many friends and has no family. I think Hank feels the same as me. He wants to look after her but it's hard because we've only just met her and she keeps her guard up.

"How's the English coming along?" I asked.

"Bad. She keeps writing down the wrong words or spelling them wrong." Replied Kevin.

"Is she dyslexic?" Hank asked.

"I'm not sure." Kevin responded.

Hank went into his office and pulled out some piece of coloured plastic. He walked into the breakroom and handed it to Abi before taking a seat across from her and pulling out her English homework.

He didn't come out till an hour later with a very happy Abi.

"Thanks for the help." She said to Hank and then walked downstairs with some files.

"Where is she going?" Adam asked.

"To take some files to Trudy and in return, I gave her some money for the vending machine."

"Hank, get her some real food." Said Hailey.

"Yeah. We are all hungry. So why don't you take her out to maccies or some other fast food place and get us food." Said Adam.

"We'll all put in some cash." Said Antonio.

"Okay. Get on with the case. I'll be back in about half an hour. Text me what you want."

"What place are you going to?" I asked.

"Slim Chicken?" He suggested.

"Yesss!" Cheered everyone.

"He likes her." I said to Kim.

"Yeah. I think they've got a special bond." Replied Kim.

"They are very similar." Said Antonio.

"How?" I asked.

"They've both lost everyone in their lives. We are just his work mates or just his team, he has no family."

"He has a grandson." I said.

"In a difference state." Said Kevin.

"I don't think she has any friends. I'm not being rude but I don't think she does." Said Adam.

"She might have one or two." Said Hailey.

"Nope. She didn't even give us real names from school. I searched them up to possibly ask if they knew anything about Abi or her grandmother but they don't exist." Said Adam.

"She'll find them, eventually." Said Antonio.

"You two better look after her." Said Trudy as she looked at me.


"You and Hank. You too, Kevin."

"We will." Kevin said.

"We all will." Said Antonio, looking at Hailey specifically.

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