Author's Welcoming

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Hello there, welcome to my Undertale AU, Switchtale. So, I just have some things to say before I actually start the story.

1. I do not allow cussing in this particular story, this isn't a Fell AU, Fresh is watching you all.

2. I'm well aware the cover is bad, I was lazy, I apologise, I'm changing it once I'm done with my school works.

3. The swaps will be explained after the prologue, but if you want more details, there's a page on Fandom made by me and my brother, here's the link:

4. Can you make fanarts? Yes. Can you add them to the wiki? Yes. Can you claim this as yours? No. Credit me, please, thank you.

That's all for now, grab a snack, sit or lay down, and enjoy your reading.

Switchtale (Undertale AU) - Pacifist RouteWhere stories live. Discover now