Chapter 2: Proclaiming the Lie

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A/N: Hello, second chapter and 1 fan! I feel so accomplished today! 

If you read, please vote, comment, and fan! (PS I FAN BACK :D) 

Enjoy :)


Chapter 2: Proclaiming the Lie

1 Week later

"So Liam, we heard there was a rumor that you raped a girl but it was proven wrong, how do you feel about that?" the interviewer, Dana, asked him. She sounds like a therapist and I'm pretty sure we aren't on one of those shows where they make you cry. And then, we made it half way through the interview without anything negative but now bringing this up will completely shed a new mood on this interview and it has. 

An uneasy look found its way on Liam's face and he becomes paler by the second. Beads of sweat are beginning to form. Oh goodness, why did they have to ask this question? It just makes him nervous. God! 

I know he's never been comfortable with this subject, especially since he was accused of raping someone he didn't. Why do people pressure him into things that he doesn't want to do or say? They're pretty good a peer pressure. 

I wrap my arm around him, and gave him a warm smile. He brightened up some but not enough to feel easier about the subject. He wouldn't even answer the question. We all waited in silence for him to answer but it never came. Instead, I answered. 

"He was devastated and doesn't really like to talk about it" I say with a weak smile. They should just leave the subject alone now. If he doesn't want to talk about it, then we shouldn't. 

"Oh I see. Let me ask another question on this topic, while we are still on it, “Dana continued, "Where were you on the night it happened?" 

Oh my, so we move to what he did the night of the raping. He was obviously not raping the girl, so what more is there to it. I guess interviewers are like paparazzi; they don't leave you alone! 

Liam looked at me, with his big brown eyes, pleading me to answer for him. Being the good friend I am. I do. 

"He was with me" I improvise. I have no idea where Liam was the night of when it happened. Hell, why is she even asking the question? It didn't happen, so why ask? This is just plain stupid. 

"Oh really?" the other interviewer, Brain, raised an eyebrow, "And what were you two doing exactly?" Holy crap, what kind of question is that? What do they want to accomplish out of this? It doesn't make sense! 

"I... We uh... Um" I feel lost for words, how do you even answer a question like that? I don't even do anything with Liam. 

I feel my face beginning to heat up. It's not everyday when interviews think I'm gay with one of my best mates. This is just absurd. 

"Well, I walked in on them snogging" Harry answers, bringing the whole place in shock, including myself. I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head! I do not snog my best mates! Since when did Harry play along with this? I don't think he wants Liam and me to be together. That would be really weird.

"We were not!" I protest, with my voice growing an octave higher and my cheeks burning more. Smiles appear on both of the interviewers face. I've just blown it. They think Liam and I have a secret relationship. 

"Oh yes you were, I have a picture to prove it!" Harry says, pulling out his phone. He doesn't. Liam and I haven't even kissed, so how would he even have a picture of me and Liam kissing? 

"Oh go ahead, lets see this picture" Liam provokes, and Harry starts scrolling through his pictures. What. The. Hell. 

"No, no." Dana disapproves, "I don't wanna invade on your privacy boys. Harry put that phone away, It's silly to ask when we have all the proof in what Liam said!" Oh shit. I glare at Liam who, in return, gives me a weak smile. I know he didn't mean to but we've just dug ourselves a deeper hole! 

"So, since we have the cleared up, how long have you two been dating?" Brian asks us. My look softens. I don't know what to say; we aren't dating, isn't that enough for us to say. 

"We aren't dating, Brian" I respond coolly or I think so anyways. They, the interviewers, begin laughing as are the rest of the audience. Even Harry, Zayn, and Niall begin laughing. What the hell?! Are we missing something? Clearly, Harry, Niall, and Zayn, know it's not true but why would they go along with it? Makes no sense whatsoever! 

"Sure, and I'm a best selling author" Dana sarcastically remarks, she's a horrible author (her words, not mine). What are they trying to prove? That there can be two gay people in a band, and everything will go over smoothly. On what planet are these people are from? Our fans will go insane if Liam and I were dating. This is just getting out of hand. 

I look over at Liam, who looks as lost as a little kid in a huge mall. I probably look the same. I don't know what to do. This is not a situation I get in daily. 

I turn my attention back to the interviewers, and I notice Niall staring at me. He nods his head. What the heck does that mean? Is he approving that we should date? I'm so confused, why do we have to go through this? It's insane! 

Liam leans into my ear, as if he was going to kiss it. Thank goodness he didn't though; I would think I was having a bizarre dream or something. 

"Play along" he whispers and pulls away. Anticipating faces wait for us to say something. I just sit and wait until Liam tells them that we aren't dating. 

"OK guys, you caught us" Liam says. I feel my eyes widening, and I look over at Liam, who has nothing but a straight face. 

He's going insane now too. Am I the only sane person sitting in this room? 

"What?" I whisper yell. 

"Come on, Lou, they were bound to find out sometime" he whispers back, loud enough for everyone to hear. Gasps come from the audience but I'm not too worried about them. I'm worried about how Liam can lie to the whole world about a relationship he's in with me. He had a girlfriend and I have one, well not anymore... Shit... I just lost Eleanor. This day is just not on my side. 

"But... But..." again, I feel lost for words. I have no idea what to say to this. I just wish this was all over with. 

"No but's, they have caught us and they can't do anything about it" He sighs and everyone goes crazy with 'Awes' and 'Ohs'. I can't do much more about this, even if I try. 

"Alright" I breathe. 

"Okay, you caught us. Louis and I are dating and are girlfriends were fakes" he proclaims as he takes my hand into his. Claps and whistles echo the room, and I try my hardest to smile an enthusiastic smile but I just can't do it. I hate lying about this and I can't believe I just went through it. What the hell is going to happen now?

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