Reporting back//Chapter 89

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"Huh....?" Chopper stared on in even more confusion, fully expecting to be blamed for the attack. But that confusion slowly turned into a burning determination to prove himself more, "I will become a dependable man!!!"

Luffy walked on board and glanced over at Chopper who was on the rails with his hooves raised to the sky in a silent promise, "Hey, Chopper!! Where's that weird Ossian!!?"

Chopper whipped his head around in realization, "Yeah! The Knight of the Sky...!!" He then waddles off the rails and into the cabin that leads to the kitchen.

Luffy and Faythe glance at each other and follow close behind.

While on the way, Chopper began to explain what happened when we were away.

Luffy had crouched down next to Gran Fall, "—He would try that hard... Just for a free whistle he gave us...!?"

Chopper nodded solemnly, "If the Knight of the Sky didn't come, the ship and I would've been goners."

Sanji and Nami were standing behind the weird injured Pegasus thing, watching the whole thing til the Cook spoke up, "There are a lot of things I want to ask him... I'll just wait until he wakes up!" He then turned his gaze to the Pegasus who cradled his broken arm, "Thanks to you, too."

Faythe glanced over at Luffy to see him messing with Gan Fall's long beard.

Sanji beckoned the crew to follow out as he spoke, "With the ship like this, and the sky getting dark... We'll have to wait until tomorrow to go back to Angel Beach Island."

Nami nodded and added onto the idea, "—Anyways, let's just go ashore in the forest. We'll go camping next to the lake!"

Sanji nodded, "If something happens, it'll be a better place to fight, too!"

Luffy and Faythe jumped at the idea, "Woohoo!! Yeah!! CAMPING!! Party!!"

Usopp gapped at the idea, "Eh!? Wait. We're in enemy territory!! How can we go camping...??"

Faythe shrugged with a grin, "Hasn't stopped us before. Remember in Alabasta?"

Usopp just sighed in defeat.

Chopper gently pulled at Faythe's torn shirt, gaining her attention, "Let me go treat your wounds first... They seem to be very severe if I noticed you start breathing strangely."

Faythe sighed at a few looks turned her direction.



As they all settled down around a giant fire while eating some Sky Sharks. They decided to give out information they learned on their way here.

Usopp had a thin stick tapping on his shoulder as he stared at his chalkboard full of little notes. Faythe doesn't know where he got it but she assumed he pulled it out of Nami's room, "Ooooookay... Thanks for everyone's report. Good work!!" He then raised a hand to point things out, "With everyone's information, many things became clearer."

Zoro sighed in his spot as he crossed his arms over each other, "I still can't believe you defeated a priest before I could..." He glanced over at Faythe who leaned on a log lazily.

"He was surprisingly nimble for his fatass." Faythe chuckled to herself as she took a sip from her mug.

Zoro raised a brow, "~~What about the Mantra thing?" He waved a large fish fin in the air.

Sanji turned to Zoro, "I only know that he used it to predict our next moves."

"And how did you defeat this person?" Zoro nodded in Faythe's direction.

"By predicting his next moves as well!" The red head laughed at the two boys' looks.

Sanji sighed and turned to Chopper who was still tending to Gan Fall's wounds, switching bandages, "Chopper, should it be finer?" He pointed to the bowl of soup in his hand.

Chopper glanced over and nodded, "Yes. Make it so that he could drink it... Because his gullet has been injured."

Usopp on the other hand was rousing the crew in multiple yells, "However the most important information is this!!" He smacked the the thin stick onto a very circled note, "This Island is actually the Golden City that Saruyama United Armed Forces had been trying to find!!"

Luffy shouted in surprise with his cheeks full of Sky Shark, "WOW!! REALLY!?"

Nami gasped at Usopp, "Uh... I was reporting that earlier!!"

Luffy clenched his fists with a widening smile, "Gold, eh!? I've been waiting for an adventure like this!!"

Nami chuckled at Luffy and winked his way playfully, "Yup. If you're interested, it makes things easier."

Usopp glanced between the two with a horrified look, "Oi, Oi, Luffy!! Did you forget... There's still three more priests!!"

Chopper looked equally as scared at Usopp, "The God will be angry!!"

"Pssh!" Faythe waved Chopper and Usopp's worries off, "I guess we have a change in plans. I'll apologize to Wyper later!" She laughed out.

Robin laughed lightly at Faythe's unbothered figure, "Heheh... Sounds interesting...!"

"Nonetheless, with treasure up for grabs, pirates won't stay quiet. Yeah!?" Sanji grinned at the rest.

Zoro gave a smirk at the comment, "With plenty of enemies..!! This is a game of survival!"

Faythe leaned into Zoro's shoulder with a playful nudge, "A game of the fittest one might say."

Usopp jumped in his spot and pointed at the two fighters, "You two are menaces!!"

Luffy laughed out and jumped in his spot with excitement,



Word Count:(1899)

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu