Chapter 14 Part 1

Start from the beginning

I paused to consider my approach. Norvin wasn't going to give up information just because I got testy with him. Being too blunt would only result in a denial. "It's our mission. We're in this together, right?"

"Well, of course. So, that's what this attitude of yours is about. Are you still bitter that I sent you off without backup? Because, you seem to have survived in one piece."

"No thanks to you." Damn. I just couldn't help myself sometimes. The old patterns between Norvin and an obstinate teenage me tended to re-emerge whenever Norvin acted like a dick.

Norvin sighed. "What happened out there? Are we ready to move to the next stage?"

"Let's take things one step at a time, starting with Chip."

"What about him?" Norvin didn't betray anything with the tone of his words, but his cheek twitched. Same tell as when he played poker.

"He was there. In the wilderness instead of in an LA County jail cell."

"Well, that is odd. But also intriguing." He sat back and let his arm dangle to the side of the couch. "You going to offer me a beer or something?"


"Well then you better continue with your story so I can make happy hour at that new bar on the corner. You been?"

"Can we stay on task, Norvin?"

"I'm not downplaying how serious this is. I'm just trying to loosen you up. You're like a violin string that's about to snap." He reached a hand across the narrow stretch of floor between his couch and my chair and gave my knee a pat, then withdrew to his own space bubble. "So, this Chip guy showed up and caused trouble."

"You don't seem surprised. Why is that?"

Norvin brought out a flask from inside his vest pocket and took a swig. "Sorry, but I sensed the commencement of drinking shouldn't wait." He took another swig and shrugged. "He thinks he's her mate. Guys like that, even fake mates, they don't give up easily. He'll never stop unless someone stops him."

I folded my arms and said nothing.

"Wait, did you stop him? Permanently?"

"I didn't say that. He showed up with a pack of five, right at the treasure site. Funny how he figured out where it was."

"He's a werewolf. He used his nose."

"And then he tried to kidnap Verity."

"He tried to?" Norvin scratched at his chin as the wheels turned in his head. "Him and a whole pack. Well then, why is she still here and not off with them?"

"I don't know, Norvin, maybe because I shot him and several of his pack members."

"You what?"

"That surprises you? Not that Chip managed to get out of jail and track us hundreds of miles away, but that I stopped him from kidnapping someone?"

"You managed to put a bullet in him—that's what's surprising. You're a lousy shot. No offense."

"Plenty taken."

"So, he is dead, then. You didn't call for a clean-up."

"He's not dead. They all ran off. I didn't... okay I was aiming for his head, and I clipped his shoulder instead. Are you happy?"

To my surprise, Norvin didn't laugh. "Was this incident witnessed by Verity's friends and father?"

"They were all there, yes."

"Shit. So, they know now. We're going to have to deal with them then too."


Author's Note: This chapter ended up being a bit long, so even though it's one scene, I've divided it up. Second half will be posted in a couple of days!

What do you think of Norvin? Is he withholding information to protect Alek or for some other reason? What could that reason be?

What do you think of Norvin? Is he withholding information to protect Alek or for some other reason? What could that reason be?

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