I shrug my shoulder, "Fine by me."

"We go until someone misses. Who ever misses first, loses, obviously." She says.

"I want in on this." Nora's voice draws our attention. She's got a AR in one hand, a bow in the other. "What? Mama Cameron said we were shooting things." She shrugs her shoulders, a grin on her face.

Emery and I both look at each other before shrugging. "Prepare to lose, sucker." Emery grins, turning around.


"Hey you." I say, leaning over the back of the couch, wrapping my arms around Christian's shoulders.

His large hand comes up to rest on my forearm, "Hey baby." He says, looking back at me for a second.

"Daddy, I'm stealing my boyfriend back." I say, looking over at my dad.

He grumbles, "Fine, you can have him."

I chuckle as Christian stands up, "What are we doing?" He asks, stretching his arms above his head.

"Just come on." I say, grabbing onto his hand.

"Where are we goingggg?" He whines, hopping into the passenger seat of the Ford F-350, diesel, long bed truck.

I grin, pulling out of the long, gravel driveway. "Thought I'd show you my world for a bit." I say, looking over at him.

His head snaps to look at me, "Really?" He asks, a grin on his face.


I turn onto the long, dirt rode. Pushing further down on the gas as we speed up. "You ever see Fast & Furious?" I ask, looking over at him.


My foot pushes further down on the gas, as I keep my gaze locked on him.

"You're not.." He says and I grin.

I knew this road by heart. I knew how far I had until I had to turn. I knew how much longer I had till I let off of the gas.

I keep one hand on the wheel. Christian reaches up, grabbing ahold of the handlebar in front of him. "Yup. I'm gonna die." He glances to the road before looking back at me. "You're really not gonna look?"

"Where's the fun in that?" I yell, the radio was cranked up and the windows were rolled down.

"You're insane Brinley Cameron!" He yells back, a grin on his face.

"You love it!"

I pull my foot off of the gas, finally looking back towards the dirt road.

"I fear for what the rest of the week looks like." Christian says, turning the music down.

I chuckle, turning onto the road that leads into town. "Welcome to Hillsborough!" I yell as we pass the sign. "Population: 6,000 something."

After driving around the small town square, I stop at our local coffee shop, "I used to come here everyday before and after school."

"Oh yeah?" Christian asks, pulling the door open.

"Mhmm." I hum, grabbing ahold of his hand.

"Brinley Cameron, is that you?"

I grin, looking at the elderly lady behind the counter, "Hi Mrs.Windsor."

"Come give me hugs, Sugah." Mrs.Windsor comes hobbling over, meeting me halfway.

Mrs.Windsor envelopes me in her arms, patting my back a few times before pulling away, "Now, who's this nice looking fella you've brought?"

I grin even wider, "This is Christian.. My boyfriend."

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