
That's what they are wearing with a little bit of dirt on their handsome faces. (I'm inner are squealing)

"They don't have any proper uniforms?" I asked myself looking at them weirdly.

Then I walk to the place where the guy told me earlier.

"Even the front door looks weird to me," I said when I saw the sign in front of me.

"No Trespassing, I'm tired of hiding bodies" but when I read it, I'm having goosebumps all over my body.

"What does this mean?" I asked debating myself to knock after reading the sign.

I'm already late but this sign is making me even late, why do they need to put this sign on?

Now I'm complaining about the door sign.

"Who the hell put the sign like this in here," I said hitting my head on the door.

"Me," said the voice behind me.

Now, I'm nervous because I didn't hear anyone walking behind me a while ago.

Is he going to kill me? My inner self wants to run away now.

"Are you going to move?" he asked again now I noticed that my head are still in the front door.

I quickly removed myself from it and bowed.

"I'm sorry," I said and even my voice are shaking because of nervousness.

"Come in," he said and open the door, but I didn't follow him and still looking at the floor.

"Are you gonna stand there all day?" he said sternly.

"Oh yeah, I'm coming" I answered and walked inside too.

When I look at him, he is looking at me like he is going to kill me

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When I look at him, he is looking at me like he is going to kill me.

What the hell, why does he look like a villain from the movie?

My hands started to sweat after seeing his face.

"First of all, you are late. Are you really looking for a job or do you just want to mess with someone?" he asked and sat on his office chair.

What a rude person my mind said faking my smile.

"So, did you bite your tongue so that you can't even talk?" he asked being rude to me again.

"I'm sorry for being late because I have an emergency that's why.."

"So when do you want to start?"

He didn't even let me finish answering and now he is asking me when to start.

"So, I'm in just like that?" I asked him in disbelief.

Is this the way he interviewed someone? He didn't even ask me who I am. Does he know me? Now I'm confused about what's happening.

"So what do you want me to ask?" he asked

"Hmmm, my name I think, or my profession?" I answered him not sure about my answer.

"I've read already your application form, so why do I need to repeat asking the same questions again?" he is making me pissed off, why is so rude to me like that.

Does he want me to flip the table now?

"Okie," I said biting my inner lips not to say anything anymore or else I will end up being fired even if I didn't start the job yet.

"Number 1 rule, I hate people being late to their work. 2, you can wear whatever you want to wear. 3. food and accommodation are free 4..."

"No I'm not going to stay in your accommodation" I interrupted him.

"4. No interruption while I'm talking 5. Only when you have an emergency, do you take a free day off. 6. No fighting with your co-employee 7....."

"Boss, Bas, and Job are fighting again" someone came barge into the room interrupting him.

I saw him cracking his neck and poking his inner cheek then grabbing the screwdriver in front of his desk and flipping it like a pen

He looks so hot my mind said.

What the hell did I just say? And why do I need to look at what is he doing?

"Your interview was done, you may go," he told me and then stand up walking to the door.

I followed suit because I don't want to stay there anymore.

Then when we went outside I saw two guys shouting at each other.

I don't want to become nosy about them but I'm already there. So I walked slowly to hear what they are fighting for.

"Let's break up," said the taller guy.

"Okey, then fine with me," said the smaller one.

Are couples allowed in here? Being curious as fuck I listen more to their arguments. And the guy, now I forgot to ask his name.

I don't know if he is the owner or just a manager here.

"I told you already, don't bring your problems in here" he shouted at them.

And the other guys that I saw before just laughed at them.

"If that's what you want then let's break up. I'm so done with your jealousy" said the smaller guy again and walked away.

"Come back here," said the taller guy again.

"Don't mind them, and just go. They are just like that. Breaking up and being together again at night" said the guy next to me. The first guy I saw here.

Let me know your opinion about this chapter, please...

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