Shopping carts!

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Wesker:      (no one pov).     (your like......fifteen) :)

You and Wesker where at Target. You let out a gasp.

"Dad!, push me in it pleeaaassseeee!" You whined pointing at the cart.

"Your fifteen years old, your to big. So no".



"Eh- OH!. I'll tell the whole station that you walk around in your underwear when you think I'm asleep. The ones with the little ducks!". You said pointing threatening him.

Wesker looked at you in slight shock. Why would you bring this up in the middle of the store?!.

" Uh- you know what?. Fine" Wesker grumbled.

"Yay!. Just some whining and threatening. Hehe" You said laughing evily at the end.

You jumped in the cart, grabbing grocery list from your dad.

"Onward! To the-" You paused, looking at the list. "The cleaning isle!".

Wesker just shook his head at you sighing. Pushing the cart, with you in it.


Leon:       (no ones pov).       (your like ten)

"Dad!. Can you push me in the cart?" You asked.

"Only if you push me after!" Leon said very excited.


You jumped in the cart, while Leon pushed you.

" Wheeeeeee!" You exclaimed happily.

Soon Leon wanted a turn, so you tried with all you ten year old might.

"I can't push it!" You exclaimed breathlessly.

"Come on tr-" Leon was cut off.

"What you doing?" A teenage worker asked.

You and Leon turned around in shock. The black haired teen looked at you guys wanting to know.

Leon was the first to speak up. Given you we're the child.

"Umm- Well I'm teaching the girl a lesson?" He told coming out more like a question.

"Well I'm going to have ask you to stop" the worker told you guys.

"Yes sir" you and Leon said in unison.


Ada:       (no ones pov).     (your like nine)

You jumped in the cart smiling at Ada. She rose a brow back you. guys where at the store just going grocery shopping.

"Hey mom?, what are we getting next?".

"Green beans".

"Ok" you replied grabbing the beans as the cart was pushed by the shelf.

"Hey?, don't you think your to big for this?" Ada asked.

"No!. I thank I'm fine...." You say trailing off at the end.

Ada shook her head sighing.

(I'm sorry that was short)


Chris:       (no ones pov).       (your like twelve)

You and Chris were at the store. Target.....(I know I used this one but I don't care)

You let out a gasp running towards the special cart. (Its one of the ones with the little car in front that a kid can ride in. Its for little kids though).

"Chris! Look! Push me in it, pleeeaaassseee!!!!".

Chris looked over squinting his eyes in disbelief.

"No, I'm not going to push you in it.".

"Awwww please?".



"Your to big!".


"Th-thats not what I meant!".

":( :(".

"AHH!!!. OK!. Just stop frowning!".


You jumped in the little car and pretend to honk the horn.

"Beep-beep. Motherfu-".

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" Chris sternly said.

You smiled the whole entire time in the store riding in the little car. pretending to honk at people. And getting dirty looks.


Ok that was that chapter!.

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