Periods sux

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Wesker:            your pov      (your like fourteen)

I listened to the girls in the school bathroom complaining about there cramps and there periods. I sighed I hadn't gotten my period yet, but man I was glad.

 Most girls where jealous of me because I didn't have my period.

 I walked out of the bathroom going to my looker. getting my jacket I walked out waiting for dad to pick me up.

 I watched dads car pull up, I opened the passenger door and dove into the warm car.

 "(Y\N), how are you?" Dad asked I just shrugged at him.

 He looked back at the road and drove to the station. That was the routine we had.  Sometimes I would go back with him to the station and sometimes I would walk home.

 We pulled in the parking garage, I grabbed my backpack and walked with dad to the S.T.A.R.S office. I plopped down on the floor in the corner to do some homework, after a while of doing my little bit I had I want to the bathroom.

I walked to the bathroom, I finally went pee......."OH GOD!" I yelped I pulled up my pants.

 As I ran to the S.T.A.R.S office, I was almost there until I was stopped by....Chief Irons the pedo.

 He looked up and down at me with a smirk "well~ aren't you Weskers girl?" He asked.

 I looked over to see someone....but no one was around. I looked at him and stuttered "u-um well I got to go..heh".

 He looked at me "well? Where are you going and can't it wait?" He asked creepily. I panicked I just wanted to go find my dad and tell him I need some stuff.

~~else where no one pov.~~

Wesker sat looking at the door, (Y\N) left awhile ago and he started to worry something happened. He looked at Barry, almost asking him to look for her.

 Wesker couldn't look for her because he was going on duty(call?) soon and couldn't be late. Barry nodded and went to look for the young girl.

~~Back to you~~

I walked away from chief Irons...but he grabbed my wrist. I started to drag me till he hit a wall.....or I thought.

 I saw Barry standing there glaring at the old man, Barry grabbed my wrist from chief Irons. "Where going to hurt this young girl?" Barry asked glaring harder at the man then before.

 Barry didn't even wait for a answer before he left with me.

 As soon as we made it around the corner Barry turned to look at me with worry in his eyes "Are you ok?, did he touch you?" He asked softly.

 I looked up at him for a moment "well I'm fine but, I need some new pants or something" I replied. 

He looked at me with confusion till he noticed the big red spot on my pants. He looked kinda embarrassed but took me to Jill as soon as he could. We walked to the S.T.A.R.S office and looked for Jill. 

I found her and tapped on her shoulder. she turned around looking at me, she then noticed the big red spot on my pants. 

I looked away embarrassed she took me to Rebecca to get me some pants. I got a pair of pants and a pad.

 I went to the bathroom this time I had Barry wait outside for me. Chris took me home when it got late and dad still wasn't back at the station.

~~Time skip no ones pov~~

Wesker walked in his house seeing (Y\N) sitting on the counter eating some ice cream.

 the girl waved to him, Wesker walked over and stood next to her. He had heard everything that happened while he was gone.

 He was kinda mad at himself for not being there for her. Wesker wrapped his arms around (y

). She hugged him back.

Leon:          no ones pov.      (your like ten)

(Y\N) yelled really loud from the bathroom, Leon jumped from the couch And ran to the bathroom.

 He saw (Y\N) curled in a little ball, "hey what happened?!" Leon yelled worried about his daughter.

 (Y\N) just pointed to the toilet, he opened the lid and saw some blood.

 he slightly freaked out then it clicked.... she got her period.

 Leon I'd the first thing he could think of he went to (Y\N) and picked her up from the bathroom floor he put her on the couch.

He told her what was happening.....he only new the basics of periods. He told her there where going to the store.

At the store

Leon and (Y\N) looked at the feminine hygiene stuff "umm what are we getting?" (Y\N) asked Leon.

 He just looked over and shrugged, (Y\N) looked at the boxes of pads.

 Leon saw a young woman, and thought maybe she could help.

 He walked up to her and cleared his throat, the woman turned around. "Umm excuse me... But umm my daughter got her period and I don't know what kinda of stuff she needs".

 The woman looked behind him to see (Y\N) looking at the boxes seeming stressed.

 The woman nodded her head and walked to the young girl. (Y\N) turned around looking at the woman suspiciously.

 The woman helped her get the stuff the young girl needed. (Y\N) and Leon thanked the woman, and went to go pay.

Time skip (at home)

(Y\N) and Leon sat on the couch watching Pokemon, eating snacks.

 (Y\N)'s head fell on Leon's shoulder, he looked down and saw her asleep he smiled at her sleeping form. Leon rested his head on (Y\N) head.

Ada:        Ada pov.     (Your like nine)

I watched (Y\N) sadly eat some ice cream, she just got her period.

 I hugged her with a frown knowing that the girl was sad. We eventually watched some tv and fell asleep on the couch. (sorry that was short)

Chris:       your pov.    (your fifteen)

Me and Chris looked at the pads I finally got my period.

 We where looking for something to watch when we get home. We watched some Bob's burgers. And at snacks.

(Again I'm sorry it was short)

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