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Wesker: no ones pov. (Your like eleven)

(Y\N) was with Wesker in his office, sitting in a chair. "Hey Wesker?, Can I get a soda out of the vending machine?" (Y\N) asked.

Wesker looked up from his paper work he doing."sure. Do you need chan- "he looked up and saw the girl running out, and her chair spinning.

(Y\N) wandered around the station, people greeting her as she walked by. She finally founded a vending machine, and a familiar head of spikey hair.

"Hey!, (Y\N)" Chris said jogging up. (Y\N) smiled at him, "hey Chris, how are you?".

Chris smiled and said "I'm fine, getting a drink?".

"Yah" (Y\N) replied as she dug around in her pockets, and found no money.

(Y\N) frowned, "dang, maybe not today heh" she said sheepishly, while rubbing the back of her neck.

Chris smiled at the girl, and handed her some change "here ya go".

(Y\N) blushed at the man and stuttered out a " thank you", As the man walked away.

The girl got her drink, and made her way to The S.T.A.R.S office. She was still pretty red, heck! when she got to the office, Jill had Rebecca check (Y\N) temperature.

~~~~time skip~~~~

'i hate this feeling, I hate it.' (Y\N) thought, still trying to fall asleep at 3am. She eventually fell 4am...heh. The next day, she asked Wesker if she could come to the station. He said 'of course', So she left with him.

~~~~at the station~~~~

(Y\N) sat on the floor at the S.T.A.R.S office doing some homework. Math. which she sucked at (sorry if dont) she glared at the work problem.

"This is stupid" she muttered loud enough for Chris to hear.

He walked over, and looked at (Y\N). "Math eh, it suuuuccckkks" he dragged on hoping to make the girl laugh.

(Y\N) looked up and giggled. Chris slightly pumped his fist in joy.

She tilted her head up and asked " hey Chris, do you want to help?".

Chris panicked, he sucked a math. but he wanted to help. Chris nodded, and helped as much as he could.

~~~~mini time skip~~~~

Wesker walked in to the office, and didn't see Chris any where. He angrily sighed. And was about to ask Jill where he was. Until she put a finger to her lips, and pointed to the corner of the office. He followed her finger, and Saw Chris and (Y\N) napping on the floor. Her head on his shoulder, and his head on her head. He heard some Clicking and looked over and saw Jill and Rebecca taking pictures and slightly squealing.


Leon: your big dog scared away any boys\girls (sorry I can't Think of anything).


Ada: Your pov. (your thirteen)

'There he is just ask him out' I thought. As I walked up, a girl came running up to him and kissed him. On the lips. 'oh god abort mission' I screamed in my head, as tears pooled in (e\c) eyes. I want to the nurse saying I didn't feel good, so they called Ada to pick me up.

~~~~time skip~~~~

Ada showed up as I sat on the curb, I opened the car door. "Hey, you ok?" Ada asked me, I Teared up. "I'm fine", Ada frowned. " it was a boy wasn't it", she asked. I just nodded.

~~~~time skip~~~~

we got home watch some the backyardigans, and at snacks.


Chris: no ones pov. (Your like ten)

Chris scared away boys\girls.

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