He pulled down the collar of his shirt, revealing faint electrical burns. They were sparse and nowhere near the severity Viktor had wrapped around his own throat, but the interviewer gasped in shock all the same. His eyes were glued to the screen, scarcely able to breathe.

"The alien police cracked down on the building soon enough," Zach said this casually like he was talking about the weather. "We were taken to a pet store.

The interviewer shook her head in confused and sympathetic pity. "I can't imagine how that felt. To be treated like an animal for all that time." 

Zach snorted. "It wasn't fun, let me tell you that." 

"What happened at the pet store?" the interviewer asked, voice pitched high with fake interest. Viktor saw a flicker of irritation cross Zach's face before he was perfectly blank once more. 

"I got adopted is what happened. I was with that alien for all of two days before it sold me off like a hunk of meat," some bitterness crept into his voice, then, unable to hold back the sheer loathing he felt for the Vokkrus. "I was in that facility for the rest of our time on that godforsaken planet." 

"It really shows how they run things over there," the interviewer said sagely. "Letting all that - hopefully - illegal activity happen." 

Vok'Rul's sharp intake of breath made him glance at the alien for a split second before he was riveted by the TV again. Zach nodded, expression thunderous. "They never cared about us humans," he spat. "Only what we could do for them." 

"Those aliens in the facility," the interviewer continued, leaning forward and resting her hands on her knees, loose and relaxed. "What did they do to you?" 

The camera switched over to Zach, zooming in slightly on his legs. Viktor felt revulsion slide up his throat. "They tested drugs on us. It was nonstop experimentation. They took pleasure in it, too, let me tell you. They laughed when they broke my legs in seven places." 

The interviewer shook her head, disgust and concern plastered on her face. "And they never faced consequences?" 

Zach pressed his lips together. "They did. I just wish I was the guy who did it to 'em." 

She looked intrigued, no doubt wondering what had happened to them. Zach continued without prompting, "The bosses of the place - this pair of aliens - ended up kidnapping this kid." 

Viktor tried to say something. Shut up, he wanted to shout, stop talking about me! He didn't want to hear about Turrkn or Nhafka. 

"Kid?" The interviewer was saying, eyes already welling up with emotion. 

"Yeah, he's all over the news, now. He's that kid that Vokkra guy has by his side all the time. The one with the walker. Anyway, they grabbed that kid 'cause he was the Vokkra's pet. He was shoved in the cell next to mine," Zach paused for a second. Viktor couldn't breathe. What was he going to say? How Viktor was tortured, pumped full of adrenaline and hysteria drugs? He wanted to run away, but he was rooted to the spot. "Kid got out and must've told that alien where we all were because we got out of there soon after. I was asleep in the vet's for days, and when I woke up, the aliens were treatin' us like real people."

The interview ended shortly after that. The channel went onto some other topic.

Viktor sighed explosively, throat convulsing around the force of the expelled air. 

"Kohgrash," Vok'Rul said worriedly. 

"Don't touch me," he rasped, throwing his hands up defensively. They shook so badly that Viktor wasn't even sure he could stop them if he wanted to. "Just don't - don't - don't -"

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