Small, normal bedroom, closet doors and a door to the rest of the house. That's a no go, obviously there's someone out there. The window! Perfect. My eyes snapped to the window, my face falling when I spotted the bars over the outside. Of course he knew I would try to escape. I guess I have to try through the house, if I can even get this stupid handcuff off my ankle.

I as quietly as possible wriggle and work to get the stupid contraption off my foot, reaching down to attempt to push it off, but of course it didn't work. My hand slipped, causing the metal chain to clang loudly against the metal bed frame, a pang of panic shot through my chest like the pain of a stab wound. I heard heavy footsteps, like boots walking towards my door. In my panicked state all my body was capable of doing was scooting as far up to the headboard  as I could, holding the blankets up to my chin. My handcuffed leg outstretched and the other bent up towards my chest. As if I were a child scared of a monster lurking in the darkness of her bedroom. And here I was, a grown woman hiding beneath a blanket, gripping onto the only bit of false security I had.

The door slowly creaked open, each second lasting longer than the one before, my heart felt as if it would jump out of my chest. The door opened all the way and I could see the familiar face of a man I at one point in time, would have been excited to see.

"Are you okay?"

My mind couldn't compose a response to such a nonchalant question at this time. I just stared at Mr. Harris wide eyed and attempted to calm my heart, less I pass out.

Mr. Harris pursed his lips in thought, staring intently at my scrunched up form. He made a move to step closer and I jolted at the action, causing him to clench his jaw.

"You know I would never hurt you. I can explain.."

"Explain why you kidnapped me?" I croaked, surprised I was able to say anything at all. He sighed and looked over his shoulder out the door before closing it and stepping closer to take a seat on the corner of the mattress I sat upon. His hair was shorter than when he was institutionalized, his beard trimmed and tidy, he looked overall to be doing well, I wouldn't know he could be capable of kidnapping if it hadn't actually happened to me. Why me? He ran his fingers through his hair and looked into my eyes intensely. I couldn't tell if it gave me a sense of comfort or scared me even more.

"Amber, you just don't understand.. you need to calm down and listen to me. I did this for you." His eyes held an unknown emotion, guarded almost. As if he didn't want me to know what he was feeling.

"You.. you always cared for me, Amber. You know damn well you didn't have to do everything you did.." his brown eyes brightening with a glimmer of gold.

"I cared for you yes but I was doing my job." I say, eyes brimming with tears, feeling absolutely helpless.

"You don't have to lie anymore, I know you just need a man to care for you. For me to care for you. I know you intimately, more than anyone else. Not Therese, not Paul, not even Nate." He spat, "only I know what you need... and it's me." He reached his hand out to touch my knee but hysteria bubbled up inside of me and I jerked away from his advances. But the sudden movement seemed to spark something dark within him.

Within mere seconds I was in his strong arms, being held to his broad chest. "You found me when I was alone, broken and depraved. You nursed me back to health, you helped me accommodate to my missing limbs. And because of that, I can't accommodate to living without you." His chest heaved up and down as he held me close to his broad form, smoothing my hair down. My heart rate so high I thought I might die of a heart attack. I was completely frozen in fear.

"You don't understand how much you mean to me, I don't reckon you ever did..." he lowered his face into my neck, breathing me in, leaving a small peck on my shoulder.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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Desires Unseenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें