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A/N Guys I feel I am finally getting back in my groove, and am finally able to make time for my writing again, and I am so excited.

Please let me know what you think, this chapter is quite a bit longer than my normal, so I hope it's satisfactory. Enjoy!


After being thrown up on and having walked in on two patients going at it, my morning was already quite eventful. I wonder what's in store for the rest of the day? Oh joy.

"Seriously, just take my extra shirt. I always keep one on me in case something happens."

"No, Paul, I'll be fine. It's not that bad, I was able to wash it all off.

He scoffed at me, "you have an 86 year old woman throw up all over you and you insist you're fine? That's beyond me." He threw his hands up. "Im too much a germaphobe."

I laugh and side step him to check the system, "Anthony Harris.." I say to myself out loud.

"Ah, yeah. I guess he was brought in last night, some war veteran with loads of issues." Paul peeked over my shoulder at the screen, "Doc Jon seemed to think you'd be a good candidate to take him on, with your experience and expertise with ptsd victims and physical therapy. I hear he's missing a few limbs...?"

It made sense he'd be assigned to me, I wonder if this was the man I saw being wheeled in last night?

"I just hope I'm able to help him recover." I say as I print off the paperwork and stick the papers in a folder.

"Be careful, you never know what you're walking in on." Paul said. I rolled my eyes and just walked off. Paul was always quick to judge our patients, or anyone for that matter. I was more on the side of understanding and empathizing with whomever was admitted here. Usually people were here because of what someone else did to them.

I walk over to room 201 and knock lightly as I slowly open the door. The bulky man is sitting in a wheelchair, facing his window. A blanket is draped over his lap and he looks a bit scruffy.

"Hello, Mr. Harris." I say softly with a bright smile. "How are you feeling today?"

He doesn't move, almost as if he hadn't heard me. I walk over to his bed and sit down on the edge of it, getting on his level to show respect.

"How are you doing?" I repeated, sometimes war veterans were hard of hearing from all the gunfire and explosions. If I am to be in charge of his care, I need to know if he is having trouble hearing me.

His sad, cedar colored eyes turned to look at me, his mouth still shut. It was as if he didn't have the strength to reply, not honestly. My heart ached at the pure emotion I could feel oozing out of him.

"My name is Amber. I will be here to take care of you, and help you recover in the absolute best way you can." I offered a small warm smile, his eyes dropping to my mouth before returning to my eyes and then turning back to the window, disinterested.

I quickly realized this man was going to be a tough nut to crack, but I knew deep down that I would be able to help him. Even if only on a microscopic scale, I will help this man.


The warm sunlight danced across my face, over my closed eyelids. My mind registering the movement as some all to familiar branches being blown in the wind, casting dancing shadows across the room. A smile spread across my face at the feeling, my legs stretching out as well as my arms- until I was stopped.

Memories rushed back to me like water through a canal. My eyes snapped open, to my horror my ankle was handcuffed to the bed frame I had been peacefully sleeping on. Drugged on. My eyes darted around the room, surveying my surroundings and trying to find any obvious ways out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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