Danielle Dennis Ann(27)

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"Rain.", Helios uttered mesmerized by the rain.

The rain always mesmerised him.

"The rain is pretty.", Selene replied to Helios as he held on to Stichie. (My stitch doll)

"Ya, it's been 3 days since you guys are here, and it finally rains today. Want to go play in the rain?", Yanai asked the brats

"Yes.", they both spoke in unison.


Ann, get back inside...You are going to get sick, you need to go to the airport later, Ann...Get back in...

"I Lived through my Abyss and here I am.....Do you think, he finally dropped dead?"

I don't know, it's been years, kid...you told me that he texted when you were 18, and now you are 26, it being 8 years kid... it's fair time...

"Then, Bambi won't be mad if I got another baby, right?"

Nope, he won't mind, if anything, he would definitely want to see you love again.

"I do love again, it's just I am not the sweet lover type."

You will turn 26 in 9 weeks

"Ya, I lived through my Abyss."

"Mummy....you are crying", Helios voiced out breaking me out of my daze.

"Hey, brat...., hell not, just playing in the rain."

"Danielle Dennis Ann, get your ass back inside, you are already soaked wet.", Yanai yelled standing in the shade.


Love, it's been 3 days since you saw him.


"Achoo.....fuck, I am sick.....", I rubbed my nose.

"You fucking cried in the rain, what the fuck you expected?"

"I don't know, some sought immunity.", I uttered sniffling.

"Idiot, can you go to the airport?"

"Yes, I can, just look after the brats for me. "



I heard a shriek breaking the robotic voice from the screen.

"Owh...やあ、子供...", I braced for the impact of a 2-year-old running into my lower abdomen.

Pronunciation; Yā, kodomo
T/N; Hey, Kid

"He ran from the customs officers."


"Miss me...", Yukio asked with his hands in his pocket.

"Where is Aran?"

"In Japan."

"I don't miss you by the way."

"You caught a cold, kid. You are blushing. I want to destroy your adorable face."

"Please, My mother will kill me"

"You want to fuck.", Yukio asked with a blush creeping up.

We have been in each other life for almost 4 years.

It just felt right because It was unnecessary drama.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora