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Seven for a Secret never to be told

He didn't want to let go. It didn't matter if he had to leave so the other vampires wouldn't suspect anything. It didn't matter that he could get in trouble for having a vampire in the temporary base. He just wanted him to stay; to never leave again.

He didn't want to feel the pain and sorrow again. He didn't care if this had to be kept secret. He was going to keep the blonde this time. Nothing was changing his mind.

Suddenly, he laughs. It isn't filled with happiness or the joy one would normally be filled with, it was empty; just something to break the silence that had begun to engulf the two.

"Yuu?" The blonde says his name softly.

"Mika." He says back.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

A hum followed by silence.



"You don't hate me?"

"No. Why?"

"Because of what I am."

"What about it?"

"I'm a monster."

"No. Not my Mika. You could never be a monster."


"No. I don't care what you are about to say. You did what you had to do to survive."

"To get back to you."

More silence.


A hum.


"The queen."

"But, your eyes."

"I haven't drank human blood. I've been living off the queen's blood."

"Oh." Yuu leans back to look at Mika. "I forgive you."


"Not telling me you were still alive after all this time."

"Sorry about that."

"I just forgave you. No apologizing."

Mika laughs softly before slowly wrapping his arms around the other boy, pulling him into a real hug this time. Yuu accepts theinvitation openly, squeezing the blonde back.

They stay silent, keeping the noise to a minimum, just enjoying the presence of the other.

Green eyes close softly, a tear of happiness slipping down his cheek.

"Hey Mika."


"Happy Birthday."

Mika stays silent, going over the dates in his head.

"My birthday?"

"Yeah. It is May first isn't it?"

"I guess so, there isn't any way to keep track of dates in Sangiunem and I haven't celebrated my birthday for four years."

"Well, if I would've known that I would've celebrated it with you and not alone."

"What do you mean?"

"Every year since you so-called died, I've secretly celebrated your birthday."

"Thank you."

I light blush dusts the ravens cheeks before going away again. He pulls away and sits on the bed, pulling the other along with him.

"Are you tired?" The blonde asks.

"A little, but I can't sleep now that you're here. I don't want to miss any of this time we have together sleeping because I don't want to wake up and you be gone." He murmurs, averting his gaze from the vampire to the floor.

"I won't be. I'll stay right here." He replies, messing with a few strands of his black hair. The raven could feel himself drifting off.

"Mika... please don't go."

"I won't."

With one last nod, the raven leans onto the blonde's shoulder, sound asleep. Gently, the blonde shifts until he is laying behind him.

Yuu hugs Mika's arm to his chest while he sleeps, using the other arm as a makeshift pillow. Mika nuzzles his nose into the dark tresses that draped themselves over his arm. With one deep breath, he glances at the window, the moon reflecting in his eyes.

And he smiles. A small, genuine smile. The first one in years.

He is complete. With his former partner by his side, he is whole again. The missing piece of him is now returned and he can breathe easily knowing that he is safe and nothing was going to harm him. He wasn't going to harm him.

Even if the burning in his throat grew to a raging flame, he wouldn't do that to him. He would never use him for his own needs. Never ask anything of him. Never force him to do anything.

Even if the thirst kills him, he will keep his Yuu safe.

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