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Six for Gold

He couldn't get him out of his head no matter how hard he tried. I was a haunting image and he couldn't stand it.

Green eyes, black hair, torn black uniform, silver blade, gold-trimmed sheath, black boots, green accents. Everything was so vivid it was like he was standing right in front of him.

Lost in his thoughts, he kept his eyes glued to the ground, his silent steps allowing him to move without being spotted. A block or so over, he could hear the gentle pitter patter of little feet on the ground. In a way, it was calming. settling the thoughts in his head ever so slightly.

Then it was interrupted by quick, heavy footfalls close behind. One kid laughed, oblivious to the predator behind them as two girls' breathing sped up in exhilaration, trying their best to keep pace with the boy.

He focussed on the vampire behind them and figured out that he was a new-born. Making a split second decision, he cut through an alley that was just ahead of the kids and reached the entrance just as they passed. One of the girls screamed when she saw the vampire and freaked out the other two. Just as the new-born was reaching for her, the man in the shadows slammed him into the ground, gripping his neck tightly.

The kids ran off as the younger struggled against the hold of the older. Upon the glare he received, he went limp with wide eyes.

"It's not curfew. Don't touch them!" The blonde snapped. A door in the distance was slammed shut, signaling that the kids were in their safe place.

Releasing the younger vampire, he watched as he bounded off, sighing quietly before leaving the scene himself.

He saved more kids. Now, he was going to be in trouble with the queen again. Deciding that it would be best to go himself, he went to meet the queen.

She looks up at him from her place on her throne and sighs. "Oh Mikaela, when are you going to learn?"

"Never." He murmurs as he gets down on one knee, bowing his head in respect.

"The humans here are not children. They aren't kids. Their livestock. They're our food, so treat them as such."

"You know I won't"

He feels the glare she gives him before he hears her footsteps.


"Krul, darling." A sickening voice rings out.

She groans. "Get out of here Mika. You're lucky this filth showed up."

He complies and leaves, slowly making his way to a spot away from the other monsters like him.

Here, his mind is flooded with the raven with green eyes, but this time the image is different.

His usual smile is replaced with a from, sparkling eyes now dull and lifeless; his normally spastic ecstatic personality is now calm and obedient. It isn't hard to notice that he is less impulsive and more strategic.

It breaks his heart in more ways than one.

He looks into the direction of the army's temporary headquarters; he makes up his mind.

He is going to visit him tonight.

Pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning against, he heads towards the city's exit. He ends up helping six more kids on his way out. After sneaking past a guard, he is on his way towards the Imperial Army's temporary base.

Sooner than expected, the building is looming over him. He skirts the building slowly, scanning every window in search of the raven he spotted the night before. When he finds it, the window is empty.

Listening intently, he gradually begins to hear the rustling of a blanket and a light series of rhythmic breathing. He's sleeping.

Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, azure eyes turned away from the window and led the way back to the wretched city full of kidnapping bloodsuckers.

Then his name is being called. It was quiet, hardly more than a whisper. He freezes in place, waiting for it to come again. It does.

"Mika." It's his voice.

Turning back around, slowly, he meets eyes with the raven, green orbs easy to spot in the dark. The figure turns and looks back into his room for a second before looking back at the man in white.

Then he waves him over.

Confused, the vampire stays in place.

He waves again, this time more vigorously.

With one quick look around, the vampire scales the building with one leap. The raven moves and allows the blonde to pull himself inside, barely getting a second to stand upright when a smaller body barrelled into him, catching him in a hug.

This moment of peace is then interrupted with a round of violence. This consisted of the raven continuously smacking the other's chest.

Silent breaths came from one while the other panted wildly, muttering insults under his breath before he stopped, exhausted from everything.

The two stood in silence, one leaning on the other before it was broken with three simple words.

"I missed you."

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