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Three for a Girl

As he lay in bed that night, staring at the ceiling, he remembers the girlish stature of his partner.

His motions graceful as though a girl was a dancing ballet. A beautifully choreographed dance that flowed together like water over the pebbles in a river bed.

His figure is curvy, capable of making the prettiest girls jealous. His hips sway when he walked although he didn't know it. His voice is soft; light and airy.

He loved with a passion, cared like no other, and protected as if it was the last battle he would fight. Nothing could hold him back and no one could beat him in a fight. He's quick on his feet and even quicker to retaliate. Take your off od hin for a second and you've dug your grave.

If you were to describe him with one word, many people would choose something like brave, smart, kind, caring or something along these lines.

Not the raven haired boy. He would say feminine. Girly.

The blonde is a boy but everything he does screams girl. The way he moves, stands, talks, writes, takes care of himself, dresses, everything.

His hair is soft. The ravenette soon found out that he uses both shampoo and conditioner to wash his hair, making it much softer than any males.

His skin is soft, completely clear of blemishes. He has multiple skin care creams that he uses depending on certain things he has never cared to share.

And don't even get him started on the curve of his body or sharpness of his jawline. It was out if this world and easily the most attractive features about him.

Althouh the secret behind his attractiveness made him curious, the ravenette never asked. He never cared. Not much anyway, he was just glad that he could spend time with him before his untimely death.

But he blamed himself. If only he had been paying more attention. If only he hadn't been goofing off. If only he hadn't distracted him. If only he was faster. If only he was braver.

If only, if only, if only.

That's all that was willing to run through his head. All these possibilities, all these mistakes, all the ways he could've fixed something, all the ways he could have prevented something from happening.

But it would never be enough. Not if it was too late.

Nothing could bring back the dead and that was the cold hard truth. Nothing was going to bring back the one with power hidden behind those blue irises.

Persuasive words...

Friendly banters...

Soft whispers...

Bright smiles...

Playful scoldings...

Deep conversations...

Loving touches...

Gorgeous looks...

Curious glances...

Everything that made him, him, was everything that he loved. Everything he missed; everything he wished he could see again.

Dark hair was ruffled by a calloused hand on the dark of the room. Green eyes were closed as a sigh left his lips. He turned his head sideways so he could look out the window.

The moon shone in the distance, casting a bluish glow upon everything on the ground. His dull eyes shone from the light, allowing any bystander to see the vibrant green they used to be.

He stood from his bed and walked to the window, looking out over the debri covered terrain. He is settled in the window furthest from the offices, allowing him a view of the back of the building; the only room secluded from the rest of the house.

He leans on the windowsill, the breeze ruffling his hair through the open window. In the distance, he could see three figures, white capes flowing behind them.

The first one pranced around as though everything was perfect in the world. The raven could hear his laugh ring through the air, sending a strange sense of peace through my body.

The second one has a more serious pose about him, his arm extended towards the first. He tries to reach for him but fails as he jumps out of reach.

The last man shakes his head in slight embarrassment before leaping forward, locking his arms around the first. A screech fills the air before it's cut off by the second man covers his mouth with his hand.

When they leave, one name comes to mind. One that he's avoided thinking for as long as he could. Now, it's impossible not to do. It's hard to keep his partner out of his mind.

This is all because of the third vampire that caught the first by surprise. Who knew that that's all it'd take for the name to flood his thoughts again.

He sighs before covering his eyes with his hands, elbows propped up on the windowsill.

"I miss you, Mika."

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