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Two for Joy

The joy that flooded his body was overwhelming. A mess of black hair blew in the wind as he danced around the enemy, swinging his sword left and right. One after another, the men in white turned to dust, filling the air with an ash-like substance.

He couldn't do anything. There was nothing he was able to do. Not with the tethers binding him in place, red eyes watching his every move.

Any suspicious move was recorded as an act of rebellion and he was restrained before being taken to the queen. Sometimes he was locked in the basement with chains no vampire could break; no blood was given for months, driving him to the brink of insanity and nearly causing him to go feral.

His one reason for living was the thought that his family, his one and only, was still living. The only thing that brought him joy was the thought of him. His smile, laugh, personality, hair, voice, touches, everything.

Nothing could compare. Nothing ever would.

His fluid motions, feather light steps, deadly swings, and feisty style was unforgettable. The way he insults an enemy and shouts orders to his team. The way he disobeys his orders yet always manages to get the job done. His unbreakable spirit always a raging fire inside him, even while he's being scolded by the Luetenant Colonel and laughed at by his friends. When he was embarrassed, he would retaliate with meaningless insults and make an even bigger fool of himself.

But that's what drew the blonde to the ebony.

The dove had fallen for the raven; angel to demon, sun to moon, ice to fire, light to dark, sugar to salt, azure to verdant, platinum to pitch.

They always say opposites attract and attract they did. They left an impression wherever they went. Never to be seen apart. When they were apart it wasn't the same. It was like seeing the stars in absence of the moon.

As he watched, he felt a small smile grace his lips. It was a relief for him to see that his partner, his other half, his opposite, was still fighting, still pushing himself to be the best that he could be.

If only he could fight alongside him like they used to. Together, they were nearly unstoppable.

Now, they were against each other; opposite sides of the same coin. Opposite sides of the battlefield. Opposite teams.

Nothing would ever be the same.

Once human, now a monster. Fangs replaced his lateral incisors, blood is his craving; his skin is as white as snow, cold as ice, and tougher than stone. His actions are a blur, eyesight clear, hearing acute, smell sensitive, emotions concealed.

The new him is most commonly known as a monster, bloodsucker, leech, pest, nuisance and, the cold hard truth, vampire.

He hates the term. His ex-partner hates the term. His old friends hate the term. Every human hates the term. In turn, they'll hate him. He'll be treated like the monster he is, recieving no mercy from anyone.

Emerald eyes scanned his surroundings, every move closely examined by a pair of sapphire ones.

Most would call him a stalker. Not him. He prefers to call it overseeing. Keeping an eye on him. Making sure he doesn't get hurt.

He analyzes his every move, impressed with how much he has improved. Every cut made with precision, every move strategized.

He was called by the others, reluctantly being made to follow them. Leaving the field was the hardest thing for him to do in that moment. He was leaving him behind again yet it wasn't quite the same.

Before, it was permanent, unplanned, and painful.

But now it's willing, unknowing, and safe.

Before he was killed with no way of knowing that there was an enemy around. Now, he has to our they'll hurt him. His partner will be killed slowly, and he would have to watch. To listen to every agonizing scream that left his mouth.

He leaves for the safety of his partner.

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