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Four for a Boy

One more place to check and then they'll turn in for the night. His "friends" led the way, giving themselves a wide berth of the Imperial Army's place for the night.

Nothing stirred in the dead of night, no crickets chirped and no nocturnal creature stirred. His blue eyes scanned his surroundings boredly, showing no indication that he was even doing his job. His mind was being taken over by a boy with bright green eyes, messy black hair, and a hunger for revenge.

He couldn't go to him. He couldn't save him. He couldn't show himself in this state. It was torture in itself and nearly unbearable.

The purple haired vampire pranced ahead of him and the other, a wide smile covering his face as he joked about the "weak humans".

He rambled as though he has nothing to lose, his cocky rambling making the blonde roll his eyes; because he knows full well that if he lost his ravenette, he would be destroyed and go on a killing frenzy.

As said male continues prancing around, blue eyes stare longingly at the building, yearning tugging at his un-beating heart. He is there. That fact is obvious.

Another fact? He likes the boy in the building. Loves him, actually. This makes the distance even more unbearable.

The boy is his life. From his stubborn will to his courage. His bright green eyes to his contrasting skin and pitch hair. There is nothing that isn't appealing. Too bad he didn't realize how deep his feelings went until he was dead.

His skin: tough from the numerous amount of callouses all over him from the unfathomable amount of vampires he's fought against.

His eyes: once bright and vibrant, now dull and dead, no longer shining like they used to; this was obvious yet the blonde knew how to fix that. And that was to show himself again.

His hair: fluffy and slightly matted with little knots yet still held a general softness that was smooth to the touch, growing even messier as hands were run through it by the ravenette himself and the blonde.

His body: slightly curvy but not too noticeable unless you've silently stalked him for four years and have known him for years earlier. The sassy way his hip would pop out to the side, enunciating the sarcasm and sassiness of his tone in the moment.

His smile: although it's shown through cockiness most of the time, when he would show a real one, it would brighten the room and fill the atmosphere with an inexplainable amount joy; the crooked upturn of his lips was adorable and spread smiles to those who rarely aloud one to show.

Everything about him is perfect. Even his slight stutter when he is flustered and embarrassed is everything to the blonde.

He wants to wrap him in his arms and never let him go again. But he can't because of the two accompanying him for the night.

As the purple haired male continued being his normal silly self, the ravenette tried to quiet him by extending an arm out to touch him. He leaps out of time, causing the blonde to shake his head in exasperation before dashing behind him to constrain the moving male.

An inhumane screech left his mouth, quickly being silenced by the raven haired male. He slowly releases the male from behind and they leave the area.

About 20 feet from where they were, the blonde turns to stare at the window facing them, feeling a pair of eyes stare into his back. A faint silhouette stands in the window, head down.

Then he heard it. It was barely there, very easily missed if you weren't paying attention but he heard it. A soft, hurting voice floated through the air in a whisper.

"I miss you, Mika."

For the first time in four years, a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Yuu." He murmurs, barely voicing the name out loud.

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