(28) Crescent City

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Why does there need to be a threat every five seconds?

I already have to contend with Klaus also liking my sunshine, worrying about her safety, and the response from my family, but now I get to add on never having a fucking break to spend time with her.

Tunde hasn't been spotted by any of the vampires and our relations with the witches is practically nonexistent at this point, so we're out of ideas.

However, unlike the rest of my family, I'm rather interested in who is responsible for the failed Harvest now that we know the power was used to resurrect four other dead witches.

One said witch is not a fan of my family, and given our track record I wouldn't be surprised if the others weren't as well.

That adds another question, who are the other three? Whoever they are they're playing things smarter than Tunde.

As for who could be responsible, I already had a theory.

"We were both at the cemetery that day, Elijah. It was completely empty except for us, Sophie, and the enigma that is Sabine." I was explaining to my brother.

"Not entirely out of the blue. She is the witch who told Agnes about the prophecy which almost resulted in Hayley's death. Twice." Oh yeah! Forgot about that.

"She's always in the background. There, but never does anything extreme. Makes you think she's playing something." Not to mention the way him and her were acting that day.

"You may be onto something, Talia. But we must be cautious. If relations are to ever improve with the witches, blind accusations may not be the best course of action." He has a point. "Let me handle this, you deserve a day off."

So I gave it to him, and now I'm focusing on the same job I've had since coming here. Looking after Hayley.

That is until I'm told to go to church by my annoying brothers. No one even died, this is just a regular service to reopen the church to the public.

I feel my brothers are once again pushing me to deal with the human faction. It was always the one they dreaded talking to, even I hate it. Not that I hate humans, but the ones in positions of power usually are the most insufferable on the planet.

A plus side, I get to see my sunshine. I can't talk to her with Klaus and Elijah sitting next to me, but I do catch her glancing my way with that perfect smile of hers. Maybe I can get away from my brothers for just a second....

Father Kieran O'Connell started speaking. "Thank you all for coming. It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic." No, I'm here because I was forced to.

I can see Klaus and Marcel stop paying attention which makes me feel better, but then I notice my boy's eyes turn to a random red-head across the way. The panic in his eyes sends alarm bells ringing in my head.

Klaus just rolls his eyes. "Problem?"

Marcel stops looking and shakes his head. "No."

"Then pay attention. We're meant to seem like devoted parishioners." I hold back a snort.

"Yes, keyword being seem." I whisper. "Is she someone I should look into?" Referring to the lady.

Marcel gets anxious. "She's no one of note. I was just...."

Klaus chuckles. "Don't encourage him, Talia. He's just trying to get out of his duties." I could tell Klaus was only half-paying attention to his son's body language, but something more was going on. He wasn't happy to see whoever that lady was. I'll have to ask him later.

My Sunshine | Camille O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now