(50) Live and Let Die

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To say my day was long and grueling would be an understatement. With Davina missing, with Mikael and Esther calling the shots with both the witches and werewolves, nowhere was safe in the Quarter for even a peaceful stroll. It's gotten to the point where I'm hosting dates with my sunshine at Marcel's loft because I'm terrified of mother or father catching on to my biggest weakness.

But that wasn't what I was focused on the most. What stood at the top of my list was Finn and Kol. My dearest brothers who were currently under the same obligations to follow Esther as the werewolves. The only difference being I value their safety above all. I know for the moment that Finn will be safe. His loyalty to mother will blindside her when I come to rescue him. From both her and himself. Even if I have to beat some sense into him. I also have a desire to get him out of that body without harming it. It's not everyday your brother possesses the body of your therapist.

And they wonder why I started drinking heavily?

But the real challenge right now was Kol. Mother and Finn revealed that night she brought him back too. Which means he is somewhere in this city in some witch's body. At the mercy of the monster who never gave a shit about him. I guess it was hard after the sixth try to pretend any of us mattered to her.

So I spent the past week working backwards from my time searching for Vincent. Checking phone records, missing posters, any indications that a witch has not been acting like himself in the past six months. It's like she's hiding him from me. Or keeping him from all of us. But she's blinking mad if she thinks I'll ever quit.

I'll find him.

But Elijah still insisted that I need a break from the searching and sent me to Marcel's loft to keep an eye on the new army. Which meant a party. I watched as Gia stood against the wall with her eyes closed as another vampire threw a dart at her face. Which she caught with ease as she smirked. "Pay up."

I laugh. "You're getting better with vampire hearing. Lessons going well."

She nods. "What can I say? Your brother is a good teacher." I couldn't help but notice the slight blush on her face. Oh no. It happened again.

"You weren't kidding. New vampires are a lot more lively. And loud." Oh yeah! If I was being mandated to have fun, you best believe I was inviting my girlfriend.

I smirk back at her. "When you first learn about your immortality, it gets a bit hectic. Or so I've heard. My first reaction was way more confused and scared."

Cami leaned a hand on my shoulder. "Well then, it's a good thing they have you."

I blush as I pull her close. While these fresh meat are our allies, they are still new. A human just chilling around them was a chance.

I walked away from Gia when we both noticed Josh slouching in a corner glued to his phone. I sank my body next to him. "I thought you were the big party guy. What's so interesting?" He tries to shield his phone, but he isn't quick enough and I catch a glimpse of the dating app. I gasp. "Joshua Rosza!"

He blushes in embarrassment. "Don't pull out the full name, Talia Mikaelson!" But as he's distracted with me, he's too late to hide the screen from Marcel handing him a drink or Cami giggling.

She smiles at him. "Don't be discouraged, Josh. I'm honestly surprised a guy like you doesn't have someone. But I know the right guy is out there."

Marcel nods. "Any prospects?"

Josh sighs as he looks between the three of us. "Well, since you asked...Yeah, there's this one guy. We've been messaging so far, but...I think I like him. Like, really like him." He laughs as he sees my goofy smile seeing his happiness. "Talia, no proud mom look."

My Sunshine | Camille O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now