(49) Every Mother's Son | Part 2

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The instant I walked through the doors of the compound, I knew I shouldn't have come back as I hear Hayley shouting. "No. You don't get to ignore me for days and then suddenly act like you're concerned, Elijah. Just, for once, please, will you trust me that I'll do something and it will get done?"

"Well shit! Who died?" Is how I made my presence known to my family as Elijah sighed and gave Hayley the necklace.

Klaus answered as he was feeling extremely awkward in the middle of the two. "Our witch has been stolen. Hayley will get her back."

I smile at my best friend. "Stay safe."

She nods. "Thank you." And moves to leave.

Before she can, Elijah cuts in. "Wait-"

She rolled her eyes. "I don't care-"

But he cuts her off. "No, there's something else. A disciple of Marcel's was instructed to fetch another ingredient. Ask for Gia."

Hayley hesitates but agrees. "Okay." And leaves.

Klaus turns to me. "Do you know what's going on?"

I nod. "Elijah is pushing Hayley and her feelings away because he has a martyr complex and seeks to ruin his life, and Hayley is taking this cold shoulder as meaning Elijah is disgusted with her new hybrid identity."

He rolls his eyes as he stares at his brother. "I know I never gave you my blessing to pursue the mother of my child, but this back and forth is starting to make me uncomfortably awkward, and I'm going to need that to stop soon. So whatever is happening, figure it out."

Elijah gulped. "Nothing is going on." But one look from the two of us showed we aren't buying that shit for a second. "She is stronger now. That's what matters."

I roll my eyes. "Come on, Nik. Better get ready for dinner." And we leave our big brother alone to his thoughts.


"Are these outfits really necessary?" Klaus grumbles as we are both wearing a suit gifted by Elijah.

I scoff. "Stop whining like a toddler. You look like a gentleman.........for once."

He gapes at me. "I am always distinguished! And I don't need to sacrifice personality to do so!"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, the leather jackets make you look so mature."

He scoffs. "You're one to talk about leather."

Elijah interrupts our bickering. "Appearance is a way of showing respect, Niklaus. Mother will be more likely to surrender her true intentions."

But our brother doesn't buy the reason. "Well, I doubt her guard will drop just 'cause I'm dressed like a bloody lawyer."

I smirk. "Maybe you looking mannered for the first time in your life will surprise her so much she dies of fright?"

Elijah clears his throat. This is not starting up again. "We need every advantage we can get, Niklaus."

Klaus just rolls his eyes. "You always did excel in diplomacy. You and Talia alike. Just know, if she tries anything, I'll tear her new body to pieces."

Our sibling conversation is cut off by the sound of laughter as footsteps can be heard. "You three haven't changed a bit!" I know that voice.

I turn to see Vincent strutting right up to us and I move towards him before Elijah pulls me back. "Vincent! Where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!"

But he ignores me as he gazed at Elijah. "Linens and silk to disguise your pathetic self-loathing." Then his eyes turn to me as I almost flinch back at the ice. Those eyes were Vincent's, but at the same time they weren't. They say the eyes are a window to the soul, and I could feel something was wrong. "Talia, are you still trying to play the role of a man? Even after a thousand years you still cannot feel comfortable in your own body." That judgement stung. Worse than anything mother or father could say to me. Wait. Lastly he turns to Klaus. "And you-despite the arrogant façade, you're still the same paranoid little boy, full of hate and fear."

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