(58) The Map of Moments | Part 2

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I couldn't wait for this party to be over. I had never felt so much tension and animosity amongst the family and I had no idea why. Something happened with Kol and Klaus and Marcel that I was out of the loop for.

Fuck my life.

I tried to ask Elijah, but then I remembered what happened the last time Kol was out of his coffin and I didn't want to give him any other reasons to doubt my insistence that he be undaggered. It wasn't like he was doing anything wrong. He was just pissy.

But then I found him in Nik's room.

I sighed. "There better be a damn good reason why you would risk angering our brother on the most stressful day of the year."

Kol looked up with a scoff. "No, I'm positive that's his birthday, Tia. Do you know how many of them he's daggered me on because I upset him on such a special day? It's not illegal to be in his room."

I roll my eyes. "It might be to rummage through his things."

"I'm only looking for what is rightfully mine! Nik stole something and I want it back!" He defended.

That made me laugh harder. "Well, in that case, he will be even more upset if he catches you. What are you looking for exactly?"

Kol approached me with a grin. "A way out, Tia. A ticket to our freedom. No more do we have to fear our brother. Live under him. I have a plan to level the playing field."

I shake my head in disbelief. "What are you on about?"

He sighs. "Think about it. Why are we so afraid of Niklaus? What does he have over our heads constantly?"

I raise an eyebrow. "The daggers. But that doesn't answer my question. They don't work on him."

"But what if one did?" He suggested. "What would happen if we could dagger him? How much power would he hold over us then?"

That made it click. My eyes widen in horror. "Kol, you are departing down a very dangerous line of thinking. If anyone else heard of your plans....."

Kol shakes his head. "But I trust you, Tia. You know I'm right. I don't want to use the dagger on Nik, but having such a weapon will mean he never has the power to torment me, to torment any of us, again. We will be equal with him."

I sigh. "He wouldn't like that."

He rolls his eyes. "I don't really care what his comfort levels are at this point. He daggers me for doing basically nothing, he stole my property and laughed when I got upset, and he locked my witch allies in a cottage! I collected all the remaining witches I had left and none of them are strong enough to undo whatever Nik's witches did! It's not bloody fair that he gets to be all smug with his boot on our necks. Something needs to change, Tia."

I give him a look before pulling him into my arms. "I hear you. I do. But it's not my job to change things. It's my job to protect you, and the only way I can do that is to convince you not to do this. I feel in my gut the danger you are placing yourself in if you continue trying to best Nik. He will dagger you for a long time if he catches you. He will take it as a betrayal, Kol. Promise me you will not incur his wrath. Please!"

Kol gulps but eventually nods. "I promise, Tia. I will try not to incur his wrath."

I was still so naive back then. There's no promising that when the rules are always changing. There's no promising that when anything can piss off our brother.

"Talia?" I blinked back into reality at the concerned voice of my sister. "Sorry. When you get that far away look in your eyes it usually leads to......"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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