Chapter 22

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"Hey guys, Hunk told me to come get you. Dinner's ready." Pidge peaked her head in at Shiro and Keith as they were playing a board game.

"Sounds good, thanks, Lance." They both stood up and walked towards the dining room. It had now been a month since the team had found out about his being Galra, and Keith couldn't be happier.

He was so afraid of keeping his secret, that he had drifted apart from them. But now, he was finally able to be himself again.

"Hey Kitty Keith, Hunk wants to know how you want your meat cooked." Lance poked his head out of the kitchen.

Keith's ears flattened and he glared at him, "Don't call me that."

"Ok Hunk, he wants it weeeeell done. Like completely burnt." Lance called back.

"No..." Keith whined, and they all laughed.

Hunk stepped out of the kitchen, "I really doubt he said that. How do you really want it cooked Keith?"

He blushed, "Rare..." he was embarrassed, but no one made fun of him. early on, they had learned that after since he went through his changes, Keith had a serious craving for meat, only he had been trying to suppress it. Coran told them though that meat was actually a huge stable in a Galra's diet so it was unhealthy for Keith to go so long without eating it. After that, Hunk tried his best to make some for him as often as he could. Apparently, to Keith's utter embarrassment, he also preferred it with more blood in it. But they didn't mind. He was their friend and they still loved him.

After they ate, they went into the lounge to watch a movie. "Who's turn is it to pick again?" Allura asked.

"I think it's Keith's turn." Pidge supplied.

"No, I think it's mine!" Lance rose his hand.

"No, it's not." Hunk immediately shot him down.

"Which movie would you like to watch, Keith?" Allura gestured to the box.

He leaned down and pulled out some old action movie. "This one looks good."

Pidge put the DVD into the player, and they all got settled in to watch the movie. Keith sat on the couch curled into Shiro's side between him and Pidge. Keith was in heaven, and could barely focus on the movie as they both gently scratched his ears, and played with his hair.

It had become his friend's new favorite pastime to scratch his ears whenever they got the chance. Keith would have been annoyed... except for the fact that it felt absolutely heavenly every time they did it. There would be times that he would be in an argument with Lance, but someone would start petting him and he would completely forget what they had been arguing about. The ears really were his own, personal kryptonite.

"So soft..." Pidge continued to giggle as she pets him. all Keith could do was give a soft purr in response.

Shiro just smiled as he continued to scratch his other ear. "We love you buddy. And we're never going to let you forget that again..."

Keith smiled to himself, as he slowly began to drift off to sleep. He didn't know what he had done to get friends this great. But he knew he knew he was the luckiest human/Galra alive. He loved his friends, and they loved him. And no matter what, he knew that they would always have his back. He couldn't have wished for any better friends in the whole universe. And they all felt the same way about him. 

The End. 

(A/N - Well guys, that's it. Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot. I really hope you liked it. One last time, when I say Vol... you say...)

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