30 - Christmas in 60 Degree Weather

Start from the beginning


"We may have gotten the truck stuck." He says, scratching behind his neck.

"Jesus Daddy, you can't say anything about us." Emery says, chuckling.

"These three." Sawyer says, rolling her eyes.

"Where is it?" Brinley asks, handing Charlie over to Emery.

"Over in Kenny's ditch." He says, a guilty smile on his lips.

"What the hell were you doing down in there?" She asks, shoving her hands in her front pockets.

"Trying to get his side-by-side out." He grins.

"How old are you two?" Sawyer asks, smacking the back of his head as she walks past him.

He looks over at me, "Oh hey, I didn't know you were here yet." He says, grinning and putting his hand out. "How you doin'?"

I shake his hand, "Good. You?"

"Still kicking." He says, chuckling. "Man, that game against Colorado must've really sucked... For you." He says and Brinley appears next to him, a grin on her face.

"Well, we beat Saint Paul a couple weeks ago so, I'm not worried about it." I quip back and Kevin grins wider.

"I like him." He says looking at Brinley.

"Eh, he's okay." She says before turning around. "Hey Charlie, you wanna go on a tractor ride?" She asks as Emery comes walking up with Charlie in her arms.

"Yes!" Charlie says, reaching her hands out for her.

"How stuck are you?" She asks, turning back to her dad.

"Not terrible but, just enough. Just get one of the compact tractors." He says and she nods. "The tow cable on the left one is broken."

"How'd that happen?" Emery asks.

"Yeah Kevin, how did that happen?" Sawyer asks sassily.

Kevin grins, "Kenny and I may or may not have tried to pull a tractor that's bigger than it, with the compact tractor."

"Bless your heart." Brinley says, walking off towards a barn.

"That little shit." Kevin says, turning around and following her.

Brinley walks all the way to the large dark brown barn on the left, sliding the door all the way open.

"This is going to become a whole family affair." Emery says before the rest of us follow after them.

An engine stalls a couple of times before Brinley comes walking out of the barn with a huff.

"What's wrong?" Sawyer asks.

"It needs fucking gas. Haven't y'all learned to not leave motor vehicle gas tanks empty." She says, walking past us and going to the barn next to the one we were standing outside of.

"Lord help me." Sawyer mumbles, walking into the barn.

"Guys! I think I found Iris!" Emery yells from one of the corners of the barn.

"Is she nesting?" Sawyer asks, walking over to where she was standing.

"Not anymore." Emery snorts, holding up a baby chick.

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