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The past few weeks had been relatively quiet in the lead-up to the big day. Billy and Theo had met a lot more times and Theo was warming up to him quickly. It was definitely nice to share some of the strain that parenthood put on you, that was for sure, but on the other hand it felt strange to not be the only parent in Theo's life. He relied on you for everything because you were the only parent he had but now? What if he didn't need you as much anymore?

Difficult thoughts for a worried mind. You just let yourself get caught up in the holiday, helping your parents prepare for it while the endless Christmas shopping took place. You even had to head out today for more things; just extra little presents for your family if you found anything worth getting.

You invited Billy along after Theo bugged you for hours about it that afternoon and he was more than happy to accept it. 

Something about it all almost made you feel like an outsider in your own world. The two boys were like peas in a pod having a whale of a time and here you were; the grumpy hag who didn't want to be around Billy at all. 

You knew why. You just refused to admit it again. It was not going to happen.

He picks you and Theo up around six and drives you to the local Christmas market in town, grinning from ear to ear the entire way and blaring music loud enough to have Theo laughing and dancing along in the back. 

There were food and gift stalls at the market, performers to entertain the locals, and decorations pretty enough to rival the Who's down in Whoville. 

It really was beautiful and you couldn't help but feel excited for the next morning. It was cold and you pull your jacket tighter around you before dipping to the do the same with Theo, zipping his up so much he was starting to fight you on it. 

Despite yourself, you found it to be fun eventually once you got past the awkward stares from the small-town folk who loved to butt their nose into your business. You visited a hot cocoa stall and got a cup for Theo, though he complained about how hot it was so you blew on it until it cooled down before handing it back.

"Thanks, mommy." He beams up at you and takes a long sip of the warm drink, making an appreciative noise as some dribbles down his chin. "Oh, here-" Billy says, dipping to wipe the dribble away with a napkin before tossing it in a trash can nearby. 

You eyed him closely as you walked together, pulling a face. "What?" He asks, seemingly bewildered by your expression. "Just... Never thought I'd see the day Billy Hargrove would wipe dribble from a kids chin."

"What, you want it to get on his coat?" The joke went over his head, his brows pulling together as his lips peel back into a smile. Theo tosses the empty cup when he's finished and you all walk together through the market. "No, no. Don't worry about it." You snort, about to say more when a tiny hand takes your own. 

Theo had stepped between you, one hand in yours and the other stretched out to pull Billy closer so he could hold his as well. "You okay, buddy?" You ask him, thumb running over his small knuckles. 

"Yeah. I just wanted to walk with you and daddy." He states casually, like it wasn't the first time he was calling Billy that to his face. The man himself stops in his tracks, saying nothing for a long moment as he stared down at the boy.

His expression was unreadable at first - taken aback, you think. His eyes were wide and in awe, lips agape before lifting into the most genuine smile you'd ever seen from him. "What's wrong?" Theo asks him, but Billy just shakes his head and clears his throat. "Nothing, kiddo. Where to next?" 

Middle Fingers Up // Billy Hargrove x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now