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Today was hell. Actual Hell. 

You could barely focus from your hangover and your sunglasses were physically taken from you by your teachers in the classes you'd attended. In protest, you'd spent most of your classes trying to nap instead of doing anything useful.

They'd given them back after the lesson, but it didn't help you having to endure that entire time without your one savior. You'd told them you had a migraine, but they saw right through your excuses.

Eddie wasn't in any of your classes, probably skipping as usual and you wished you'd done the same.

When lunch finally came around, you wasted no time heading to your table, Eddie already there and beaming when he sees you, "there she is!" he shouts, laughing at your lack of enthusiasm as you slump down beside him. "How's the head?!" He says louder, close to your ear which makes you wince. "Dick." is the only thing you can manage to mumble out as you rest your head on the table. At least you could try to get a decent nap on your lunch break which might help. 

"Lift your head, sleeping beauty." You hear him say and you follow his command without question, not bothering to open your eyes as he sets what you assume is a folded jacket beneath your head. "Thanks," you say, nuzzling the side of your face into it. 

"Want something to eat?"

"Ew, no. I'm barely holding on to what's left in my stomach after last night." That earns you a laugh from him as the other members of the club finally join you. You don't greet them like Eddie does, you just silently lift a hand to offer them a lazy wave before it drops down again. 

All the commotion at the table with regards to tonight's campaign meant that you couldn't have any hope of getting some sleep, so you sit upright and try your best to look interested. "Are you going to be okay to come tonight, (Y/N)? You don't look so hot." Derek, one of the other members ask and you nod weakly. 

"I'm the picture of health, Derek. . . And super hot as always, despite a raging hangover." You shoot him a hard stare, eyes narrowing. "I'll be there."

The rest of the table goes back to talking as you feel fingertips brush your forearm so you turn to see Eddie with a confused look. "You're not going to throw up on my D&D table, right? I put a lot of work into this campaign."

"Gee, thanks for the concern, bud." Another eyeroll - the motion was becoming a permanent fixture on your expression today. "I'll be okay."

He doesn't seem convinced though, angling his open bag of pretzels towards you in gesture for you to eat something, his face telling you he wouldn't be taking no for an answer. There's a moment of silence as you stare him down, but he was persistent and you had zero energy to answer back, so you reluctantly pick at a couple and eat them, your stomach actually feeling more settled from it a few moments later.

So you take another. And another... And another... and then the bag is empty and Eddie has a grin on his face that screams 'told you so'. 


The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful. You'd been handed a flyer for some Halloween party tomorrow night and pestered Eddie to go with you. It took a while and agreeing to let him pick your costume, but he gave in eventually and even said you could pick his costume in return. 

Hellfire Club was as wild as always, chaotic and full of energy which you didn't have but forced for the sake of your friends. You were all seniors now and this could potentially be your last year together if you all graduated. It was unlikely you and Eddie would graduate, but these other suckers actually paid attention in class so would be long gone when the next academic year rolled around.

So you make it a fun evening anyway and even end up enjoying it by the end of the night. 

"Want to come over tonight? Wayne rented a movie, we can pop some corn and smoke a little green." Eddie asks as he walks you to your bike, leaning against his van next to it as he does so. Normally, you wouldn't dream of turning it down. Eddie's place was so normal compared to yours and you felt far more at home there with him and Wayne than at your own house, but you honestly just wanted to catch up on sleep and rest seeing as you had another party tomorrow.

"Nah, not tonight," you shake your head and he pouts dramatically, hand covering his chest to feign heartbreak, "Don't pull that shit with me - I need sleep, man."

Holding his hands up in defeat for a moment, he pulls you into a tight hug, swaying you slightly. "Sweet dreams, babygirl. Skip second with me tomorrow and come to the woods."

You mumble your confirmation that you will, face buried in the warmth of his jacket as you gladly hug him back. It was the first bit of comfort you had all day and you needed it after spending the day feeling sorry for yourself. "Okay, I can't breathe," you push him away after a beat, laughing as you step back and grab your helmet before fixing it in place on your head and moving to straddle your bike.

"Drive safe, Munson."

"You too, (Y/L/N.)"


When you pull into your driveway, the sun was long past set and the sky twinkled with endless stars. The moon was almost full and hung low in the sky, illuminating the driveway as your light dimmed with the stopping of the engine. 

You take off your helmet and put your bike on the kickstand, though you linger a moment with your head on the handlebars and groan at your still-aching cranium. 

"(Y/N)!" Your fathers voice carried across the street, pulling you from your suffering and you crane your neck to see what he wants with a foul grimace in response to him. He was waving you over to the new neighbors house, all of them standing outside as your parents and little sister said their goodbyes.

Fuck. You chide yourself for not noticing them sooner, knowing they would want you to put on that fake happy facade all the families around here showed in public. 

You head over anyway, frowning at your parents for daring to force you to be social. "This is our oldest, (Y/N). She must be in some of your classes, right, Billy?" Your dad directs his question to the dangerously handsome blonde that drove into the parking lot earlier. The boy - Billy - had a too-sweet expression on his features when he spoke, "Hm, I think so. Though I believe she slept through them all earlier."

The darkest glare you could muster was directed at him, your parents looking at you though they were more disappointed than surprised. That fucking asshole. 

"I wasn't feeling well." You try to explain, clearing your throat though you know everyone present is aware it's a lie. He simply nods, his smile widening as he watches you squirm. "It was lovely to meet you all, but I have to be up early for school." You mutter awkwardly, his parents and the young red-haired girl who was with him earlier waving their goodbyes, though Billy's expression doesn't change as you walk away before your parents can stop you. 

Running up to your room as soon as you get inside, you kneel at the window on the window-seat, watching the interaction across the street. 

Billy looks up then, catching your gaze and flashing you a wink. You scoff at the audacity he had, raising your middle finger to him and mouthing 'fuck you' to him, which does nothing but make him more amused.

God, he was an infuriating asshole. 

Why would he out you to your parents like that when he didn't even know you? At first you were bewildered when it happened, but now that his words had settled within, you only felt rage. A simmering anger that bubbled and boiled in your stomach, begging for release.

You had a temper at the best of times but this? He was lucky your parents were around or you would have been arrested for assault. Again. 

The cigarette you lit and inhaled did the bare minimum to soothe your emotions as you move away from the window and onto your bed, one thought repeating in your mind as you lounged against the pillows. 

What a dick.

Middle Fingers Up // Billy Hargrove x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now