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The idea of going back to school today was utterly revolting. 

The first day back after a break away was always the worst and your mood was sour when you arrived; only made worse when a familiar blue Camaro pulls into the space next to you as you're taking off your helmet and slinging it over the handlebars of your bike. 

He obviously wanted something or he wouldn't have parked next to you, but it was really not the day for it so you turn on your heel and begin walking to school, intent on actually getting to English class on time for once.

"Hey, wait up," you hear that annoying voice calling you from behind but you don't stop, simply rolling your eyes. Billy catches up with you just as you're about to get inside, gripping your wrist to tug you away from the entrance so he can talk to you just beside it.

You simply stare at his hand on you, a warning that he seems to understand since he drops your wrist from his grasp once he notices. "You ran off pretty fast the other night..." 

"I'm late," is all you say, huffing through your nostrils as you raise a brow at him in hopes it gestures that you were over the conversation. His features scrunch a moment, trying to figure you out without noticing that he would never have any hope of actually doing so. 

You weren't exactly trying to be mean, you just really didn't think anything needed to be said about it. You were drunk and having fun, it wasn't anything too out of the ordinary except for... -- Regardless, you were fine and just didn't want to talk about it.

Noticing that you were being stubborn on the matter, his form goes rigid and features return to their usually impassive state as he looks at you, "Right," he mutters more to himself than you in confirmation that you obviously still hated him.

The bell rings inside, a sound you usually despised though now it was your best friend. "We should-" You interrupt whatever further words were about to come from his parted lips, clearing your throat and pushing past him so you could get to class. He follows silently behind you since he was in the same class, your skin prickling under what you assume was him watching you the whole time.

"Ah, look who finally decided to join us," Your teacher begins and you roll your eyes at her, "Since you two were late, you're automatically paired with each other." 

"Excuse me?" You heard your teacher perfectly well, you just needed confirmation that you weren't suddenly living in some hellish reality where you had to work with Hargrove of all people. 

"You heard me, Miss (Y/L/N). Please have a seat with your partner." She gestures the Double Denim Disaster following your footsteps, but you don't look back at him. Nope, you just head into the classroom which had been moved around so the desks were in pairs. Slipping into an empty seat, Billy slumps into the one next to you as the teacher explains again what the pairing up was for since you hadn't been present.

"This oral examination will count for a large part of your grade overall, so I expect you all to work your hardest on it now that we're so close to graduation. We'll be doing Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', and I want each of you to pick a particular scene to reenact to show your understanding of the play itself and the themes throughout."

"Oh, come on! Are you kidding me?" You whine with your face in your hands, not realising you'd said it out loud until you're pinned under the venomous glare of your teacher, who threatens detention should you have another outburst.

Groaning, you lower your head onto the desk, where it stays for a large portion of the class. There was no way in hell you were doing it. Copies of various scenes from the play were being handed out, providing the groups with options on which to go for.

Middle Fingers Up // Billy Hargrove x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now