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"You passed, baby!" Eddie shouts as he runs out of his trailer when you beep your car horn at him. He was pointing at your new car which you'd pulled up to him in and you were grinning about having just passed your drivers test and being legal to drive now.

You hop out of the car and he picks you up, spinning you around in a suffocating bear hug. "Congratulations! I'm so fucking proud of you," He says into your hair as he sets you down, trying his best to fix the mess he'd made of it once he does so. 

"Thanks, Ed's. Want a ride to work?"

"Fuck yeah, I do!" 

You'd both taken a job at the new Starcourt Mall in the "Smoothie Shack" which was humiliating to say the least, but Eddie needed to get a job to help support Wayne and you wanted to get one to pay your parents back since they bought your new car for you. 

It had been a couple of weeks since you started working there and it wasn't so bad when the days weren't busy, which honestly wasn't often. It was like a new attraction and everyone wanted to be there always. 

You get to work and start your shifts, Eddie definitely being the best part of the job since you got to work with your best friend every day. 

There's a lull in the afternoon where the mall is quiet for once and you and Eddie are discussing your favorite food to eat while baked. "For sure ice cream," he makes an appreciative noise after and you nod your head in agreement, stomach rumbling, "God, I fucking love ice cream."

"Think Jake'll mind if we go to Scoops for an hour?" He laughs and the idea of doing so sounds like heaven right now, but you couldn't just leave the store unattended. Your manager Jake would be so mad. "Yeah, I think he'll mind. I can go grab us something though, if you watch the store?" You offer and he looks at you like you've just offered him backstage passes to Metallica.

"My treat," He says, chucking you a note from his pocket which you take. You would get the next ones. 

Scoops was busy, which was to be expected. They made the best sundaes in town and had an obscene amount of ice cream flavors. The attendants were bickering with each other when you approach and you vaguely recognise the girl from your Math class but you definitely recognise the boy. 

Steve 'The Hair' Harrington was working at Scoops Ahoy now? That was almost laughable considering precious Steve seemed like all this would be beneath him.

"Ahoy there!" He shouts at you, spinning on his heel once he's alerted to your presence. You stare at him blankly, leaning on the counter. "Two 'chocolate death' sundaes." You order, electing to ignore the wink he throws your way. 

You lean over as he scoops your ice cream, if only to get a better look at the hideous outfit he had to wear. Chuckling to yourself at it, you pull your money out and toss it on the counter when he comes back over with two sundaes to-go. 

"(Y/N) right?" He asks, and you nod. "I'm Steve, Steve Harrington."

"You know we went to school together right? Obviously I know your name." You point out, sighing at his attempt at conversation. He was cute, but dull. 

"Right, right," He laughs to himself, leaning his elbows on the counter and offering you a charming smile, "You, uhh--- Hey, you want to catch a movie some time? I can sneak us in for free."

huh-?!  You think, taken aback by the suggestion. He must be desperate, asking you of all people. Was he forgetting the time you set his hair on fire for calling you a hag? Probably. You didn't though. That baby lit up like a Christmas tree, it was beautiful.

Still, his suggestion and the way he was smiling at you, trying his best to score a date was almost... sweet. 


"Are you saying I'm a cheap date?" You grill him and he tenses, obviously not meaning to offend you but not catching on to the fact you were messing with him. "No, of course not, I just uh--" 

"Give me a pen." You command, cutting him off and fixing him with a hard stare as he scrambles for one. When he hands it to you, you grab his wrist and yank it closer, the poor guy almost losing his footing which amused you. "Pick me up at 8. Tonight." You scribble your address on his arm and then toss the pen at his forehead. "Don't be late."

He almost looked terrified, or maybe it was just the sheer shock that you'd agreed to go out with him. The girl behind him looks shell-shocked and he turns to laugh at her, flipping her off. "Told ya!" He cheers.

"Okay, you're grossing me out now. Stop it before I change my mind." You roll your eyes, but deep deep down it was kinda sweet. Maybe sweet was exactly what you needed right now and one harmless date with a random guy might make you feel less shitty all the time.

Picking up the sundaes, you're about to leave when you look over your shoulder and offer him a wink. "See you tonight. Bring the sailor uniform." His cheeks tinge a pale shade of red and he tries to tell if you're joking, but seemingly can't figure it out. 

When you make it back to the store, you're frowning over the fact you just agreed to go on a date for the first time since -- well, ever. But you figure maybe your standards are too high and it was summer after all. You wanted to do more than work and smoke. Maybe it was finally time to embrace life instead of numb it.

"What's up?" Eddie asks, swiping his sundae from you and shoveling a large spoonful into his mouth. 

"I--" You start laughing. "Dude, I just agreed to go on a date with Steve Harrington tonight." 

Middle Fingers Up // Billy Hargrove x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя