Chapter 26 : Tragedy

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The clouds in the night sky gathered with each other to form a massive black cloud. I saw a light flashed a thousand times inside it. At that moment, a few drop water falling from the sky and start to rain heavily. The wind also started to be more stronger than usual.

All the sudden, strong wind blew the curtain from my open window. I closed the window as fast I can before the curtain is wet from the rain.

Another sigh was escaping my mouth.

"Such a huge failure. I did told that woman secret to him but..... Ugh! Damn it!", I mumbled.

I look at the night sky once again. It's getting darker as the dark clouds covered the stars and moon.

I hope the weather will get better soon...

I throw my body to the bed and sighed again. I can see the weather was getting worst from the window.


Lightning flashed against the window but I'm not petrified with those kind of sounds. I'm not a child but well... I'm in a child body but my soul was an adult.

I'm bored.....

Boom! Boom!

Another lightning flashed but this were more louder.

Damn..... it's getting more and more worst than I thought.

Knock! Knock!

I heard someone knocked my door but I already knew who is it. I walked toward the door and open it. There's Kevin standing with a pale face. He was holding a small lantern but his hand was trembling as he will collapse anytime soon.

I knew he will come to me since he hate thundering sounds. He always scare of it.

"Kevin.... Did the thunder disturbed your sleep?", I asked him with a worried voice.

He nodded and slowly hold my hand tightly. He's surely scared right now.

"Want to sleep in my bedroom?", I asked him.

He shook his head as a no. He want me to accompany him in his bedroom. I don't mind to accompany him but we need to pass that woman room. I really hate to walk pass it but today was a little bit odd. She didn't make that stupid moaning today. Maybe because of the sound of heavy rain and thunder but I glad about it. I don't need to know why.

I take the lantern from Kevin's hand and shine it toward the hallway.

I hope the night would get better.....

I closed the door and start to walk through the hallway with Kevin but when I was about to do that, I heard a loud screamed from that woman room. It's stop my footsteps including Kevin.

What an actual fucking shit was that!? Maybe... Maybe... It's just a wind... Yeah... A wind.... Of course.... A wind....

"Did you heard that?", Kevin whispered at me.

"It just a wind... Don't overthinking about it", I said positively to him.

Kevin and I slowly walked pass that woman room. My hand was tremble a little but I'm fine. We passed the door and I felt relieve since we already passed her room territory.

When I was about to walked normally, another lightning flashed and it's make our footsteps stopped once again.

Kreek.... THUD!

I heard that woman door opened and also a weird sounds like someone was falling through the ground. I was curious including Kevin but why my heart was beating so fast?

Kevin and I turn around at the same time. I pointed the lantern to that woman room direction and saw something unexpected.

My eyes was wide open when I saw a maid lying down at the ground in front of the door with a blood all over her clothes. I was stunned and Kevin was holding my arm tightly as he watch in terror.

"Ellen..... Isn't that Michaela? Mom's personal maid..?", Kevin whispered at me.

I look closely to confirm it. Sadly, it's her.

"Yes.... It's her....", I nodded slowly.

I saw her head moving and turned to us. That's also when I saw duke Buttlin pulled her hair while holding a bloody sword.

"LADy....... YoUngG... mAstER.... RUN!", Her voice sounded weak but we can heard what's she said but my eyes keep staring at that duke.

"Shit..... Mellea... I think we got a another huge problem", He spoke.

"Really? What is it!?", She said but her voice sounded angry.

"Both of your children saw me killing this maid", He sighed.

"Bring them here before they could run away!", She shouted.

Duke Buttlin walked toward us with his bloody sword. I wanted to run but my legs can't move! Kevin also in completely shock. I can't blame for that but right now we need to run but this damn legs of mine didn't want to move at all!

Shit! At the time like this why did my legs won't move!?

"Don't think about running away, child or you will ended in hell", He smirked.

Fuck! We are doom!

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