Chapter 13

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The next morning, Draco woke up feeling cold. Rolling over, he reached out for Harry. At Harry's chuckle, he opened his eyes blearily.

"Good morning," Draco whispered sleepily.

"Morning love, how are you?"

"I've been better honestly. Thank you, for last night. For everything."

"Of course. I meant every word," Harry replied tiredly.

"What time is it? It's early isn't it?"

"It is. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. The student I tutor will be here soon, I'm just finishing some things up."

In reality, Harry had been editing his next set of ASMR videos. He had wanted so badly to sleep in, but he simply did not have the time to spare. He knew he would be pushing through the day, but it had to be done. Sleep could be found later.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I kept you from sleeping before work. Saturdays are your long days."

"It's okay, I promise. You're more important to me than anything else. Get some more sleep yeah?"

"Wake me before you go to work?"

"If you're sure."

Harry edited with one hand so he could run the other through Draco's hair until he fell asleep. He started his video upload early, leaving his laptop plugged in with the lid mostly closed.

After getting changed, Harry collected his tutoring materials. He was lucky that today's session was just refreshing for a unit test as opposed to learning anything new. His student was incredibly intelligent, she just needed the time and space to work things out in her own way.

"Thank you Harry!"

"Good luck Emma. I know you're gonna ace it."

"Thank you again Harry. Here's your payment. We'll see you next week."

"See you next week!"

Once they left, Harry went back into his room and checked on the video upload before starting to make breakfast. Feeling eyes on him a few minutes later, Harry turned around.

"Time to leave?," Draco asked groggily, wiping his eyes as he leaned against the door frame.

"I have work in an hour. You're more than welcome to stay here though. Or leave and come back when I get off, it's up to you."

"I'll drive you to work, don't be daft. It's the least I can do. I'll go change."

"Do you need clothes?"

"I packed a bag, but your hoodies aren't safe."

"They look better on you anyway."

"That's an open invitation if I've ever heard one."

"Breakfast will be done once you're changed. Are you sure you want to drive me? I can bike-"

"I enjoy driving, and you're my favorite passenger. Besides, I need to hit the shops anyway."

"If you say so."

"I do, and I'm always right."

True to his word, Draco came back wearing one of Harry's hoodies, his hair ruffled from pulling it on.

"I like your hair like that."

"A mess?," Draco asked with a snort, hopping onto the counter.

"No, soft. Natural?"

"You would say that looking at the state of your hair."

"It's a losing battle."

"One I am determined to win," Draco promised, snagging a piece of bacon off of Harry's plate.

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