Chapter 3

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Like most teenagers, Harry and Draco found solace in the internet, just in different ways.

Anything that Harry wanted for himself, he had to work for. Because of his cousin, he wasn't allowed to have any friends. Anyone who tried to talk to him was often chased away, threatened, beat up, or a combination of the three.

Instead of hanging out with friends after school, Harry would pick up odd jobs around town. As long as the Dursley's had their chores completed by Harry, they preferred that he wasn't home to ruin their image of a perfect, happy family.

Throughout his adventures picking up odd jobs, Harry had met Molly Weasley. She always had something for him to do when he came by, and she always offered him a hot meal. She and her husband had 7 children, and although Harry never had long to spend time with them, the company was nice. He soon became familiar with everyone in the area, and they all provided the odd job for him to do, even when he picked up a job bussing tables at the age of 14.

Molly had even helped Harry set up his own bank account as he was so young and needed a co-signer. He knew that his money would be stolen by his aunt and uncle, so he kept it a secret, and saved up every penny.

She was the closest thing to a maternal figure that Harry had, and he truly appreciated her. Molly had helped him get a cell phone for emergencies, and it was through one anxiety filled night that Harry had been frantically searching ways to calm down, that he had found the ASMR community. He never knew that he could find such comfort in strangers, but he found himself craving that connection, wondering if he too was capable of providing it to others in need.

So, Harry created his online persona in hopes of feeling a little less alone. Paying homage to his late mother, JustEvansASMR was born.

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