Chapter 8

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Draco was beyond pleased that Harry was his friend again, and the football team was ecstatic when Draco canceled practice on Tuesday to work on the project with Harry.

"Your place or mine?," Harry asked during study hall.

"It has to be mine at least this first time. My parents don't want me hanging out alone with anyone they haven't met yet. It's quite annoying, but the issue hasn't arisen often."

"Alright then. What time?"

"Let me ask Mother. I'm sure she'd love to have you for dinner."


Harry thought that the Malfoys might as well just eat him alive.

"Since we'll be working with bacteria, it may be best to do it at my place because I have a spare room we can use. We should keep it contained to make sure nothing gets out. Let's start on our equipment list. Maybe Snape will let us use some things or we can sign out equipment.

Oh she's berating me for not mentioning it sooner. Does 5 work? And do you have a curfew? I don't want you getting in trouble in case the project runs late."

"5 is fine. Wait where you do live? I need to make sure I can get to you in time after work," Harry replied, pulling out his planner.

"From the restaurant-"

"Oh I'm not working there today. I switched shifts with a coworker to accommodate my tutoring schedule."

"You tutor?"

"Mostly younger kids, but yeah."

"I don't have the patience for children."

"I want to be a teacher I think. I'm not quite decided, for now I'm trying to get my general requirements completed and I'll go from there."

"Oh, that's a nice profession. It's smart of you to complete so many requirements early on.

Put the address of where you tutor in my phone so I can see how far away you are."

"I tutor in my flat, here."

"Oh it's a 5 minute drive that's not bad at all."

"How long is the walk?"

"About half an hour. We have lots of space for parking-"

"I don't have a car."

"Oh. I can pick you up."

"I walk lots of places Draco."

"For my own peace of mind, please let me pick you up."

"If you insist."

"You know I do. Now, do you have any food allergies?"

As Draco texted Harry that he was outside, Harry was wishing that he did indeed have some sort of food allergy. He was awkward at best, and had taken the quickest shower of his life once the child he was tutoring left. In between practice sets, he had also baked some cookies. He found it impolite to show up to someone's home without bringing something. 

"Do I look okay? Do I need to change?"

"You clean up... well," Draco commented, eyes raking over Harry slowly.

"You're sure?"

"Positive. You look good in button downs. We need to get you a green one to bring out the color of your eyes more."

"I'll add it to my shopping list," Harry said with a snort, climbing into the car.

"How was tutoring?," Draco asked.

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